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collector's last location

10-17-2013 09:16 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am using op dashboard with collector mobile app.  I need the op dashboard to show the collector's last location.  I created a tracking layer in the webmap, and dashboard shows collector's locations he's been (a track).  Is there a way just show the last location?

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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor
I am having the same issue. So many dots really clutter up the map and don't show what is really important, where they are now. The demo "Redlands Incidents" shows only the last location of the emergency vehicles so it would seem that the capability is possible. Also, it would be nice to be able to label each collector location so that you would know who is who on the map instead of feature: 0.


Dave Ostrander
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Deactivated User
I would also like to know how they did that. Does it need tracking analyst for server or something?

I am having the same issue. So many dots really clutter up the map and don't show what is really important, where they are now. The demo "Redlands Incidents" shows only the last location of the emergency vehicles so it would seem that the capability is possible. Also, it would be nice to be able to label each collector location so that you would know who is who on the map instead of feature: 0.


Dave Ostrander
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Deactivated User
I would also like to know how they did that. Does it need tracking analyst for server or something?

Any one can shed light on this? the tracking points pile up making a mess on the maps 🙂
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Frequent Contributor
Could you post a link to this demo?  If I am correct, they are using the GeoEvent Processor along with ArcGIS Server.

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Deactivated User
I was just working on this. I think this is why ESRI sells tracker analysis. HOWEVER, There is a work around for those  that don't have it.  Work around #1. I created a list widget, sorted descending on OBJECT ID, limited the list to one entry. Then on the widget configuration I included zoom, highlight, and directions too. Work around two I haven't actually done yet, but I would do about the same thing only with a filter. Hope this helps, I know it doesn't get rid of all the map clutter but at least one can find where their last location is.  Another item under the configuration settings that I haven't played with yet is there is a "Follow" feature, I'm interested in how that will work.
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Esri Alum
That's a very reasonable suggestion and we would like to add support for that in future releases.

Until then, this could be solved programmatically client side with a custom widget.
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