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A couple Dashboard questions (thousands separators and more color control)

08-01-2013 01:26 PM
Regular Contributor
1. Thousands Separators on Summary Widgets
When I try to display the sum of a field and the result is 3991377420, it is difficult to read. It would be nice to have a check box to add thousands separators so it looks like 3,991,377,420. It seems like other widgets such as labels on bar charts do add the separator. Is there an advanced setting that will add the commas?

2. Color control for Bar Charts,Pie Charts, Etc.
My data is symbolized in a green, yellow, red fashion on the map. When I want to add a bar chart, pie chart, etc. related to counts of each of these categories, I can choose one color or choose a color ramp. No matter which ramp I choose, I can never match up the color with what is displayed on the map. Is there a way to click on each bar and individually choose the color that will represent the data?
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5 Replies
New Contributor
Looking for a solution to this as well. It would be awesome if we could customize the color ramps. We did find you could customize individual colors, but not the whole ramp. Maybe we'll get a solution soon.
Regular Contributor
Related to the thousands separator, I found that if I use a data source from the map I saved in ArcGIS Online itself (as opposed to a data source added in the dashboard "Add Service URL") then the dashboard will add the thousands separator. One problem solved, although it would be nice if thousands separators could be added the other way too.
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Honored Contributor
It doesn't make sense that I have no options to match pie chart and bar chart colors with my feature symbology/colors.  It's a total disconnet from the map legend to the charts for the end-user.
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Frequent Contributor
Hi Michael,

For question #1, the Dashboard team is aware of it and we plan to fix it for the next release. For question #2, it's a valuable suggestion, but I am also wondering how you would expect the color ramp to render if a feature symbology has more than one color e.g. [ATTACH=CONFIG]30169[/ATTACH]?

Thanks for your suggestions and I will bring them back to the team.

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Regular Contributor
Hi Michael,

For question #1, the Dashboard team is aware of it and we plan to fix it for the next release. For question #2, it's a valuable suggestion, but I am also wondering how you would expect the color ramp to render if a feature symbology has more than one color?

Thanks for your suggestions and I will bring them back to the team.


Thank you for the update on #1!

As for #2, I am sure that there are cases where automatically choosing colors for symbols such as the one you included would not be easy. I would suggest that a manual workflow where the user could click on individual bars/pieces of pie/etc. and assign colors would be a flexible alternative. I imagine that the ability to do this could be restricted based on the third-party APIs that the Dashboard is developed on top of (WPF?). Another alternative would be to allow for the creation of custom color ramps (similar to the Style Manager functionality in ArcGIS Desktop).

The colors of bar charts/pie charts corresponding to colors in the map may not seem like a huge deal, but it is something that is noticed by many people that interact with the Dashboards I have created. It would be a nice visual connection between the map and the data being presented in the Dashboard.

Thanks and Happy New Year!
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