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Adding selection to indicator

04-03-2023 09:33 AM
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Occasional Contributor


I am looking to build an interactive dashboard that shows various crime rates by a selected date range. I am shooting to have a dashboard where each crime type has it's own indicator, and two date selectors where one changes the 'Value' on the indicator and the other changes the 'Reference'. Is there a way (I would imagine in advanced formatting) the display the date selection on the indicator itself? For example; if someone selects the value as 'Year to Date' and the reference as 'Last Year', I want the indicator to read something like " X crimes Year to Date, down from X crimes Last Year". I know you can type these descriptions directly into the conditional formatting, but I want the selection to be interactive and have the text change with the selection. 

Any thoughts on how to do this? My workaround is to add two or three indicators per crime and remove the interactivity of the date selector, but I think it would turn out really slick to be able to do this.


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1 Reply
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Hi Erich,

One way to achieve this is by using dynamic text in the indicator. You can use the "concatenate" function in the expression builder to concatenate the selected dates with your desired text. 

Solved: Concatenate fields in dashboard data expression - Esri Community

To make the selection interactive, you can use the "Input" widget to create a date range selector. You can then bind the values of this widget to the indicators using the "Indicator" widget and conditional formatting.

How To: Set a Date Range Filter in ArcGIS Dashboards Classic (

Indicator—ArcGIS Dashboards | Documentation

I hope this helps


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