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More query operators for the Category Selector in ArcGIS Online Operations Dashboard

12-27-2018 03:17 PM
Status: Implemented
Occasional Contributor

The Category Selector in Operations Dashboard currently allows Single choice selections and Multiple choice selections. The query operators for Multiple choice selections are "include" or "does not include." These operators do not offer the same functionality as the operators "contains" or "does not contain." ESRI Customer Support explained this to me in an email:

I've done some digging into this issue and I think I've pinpointed the confusion.The 'include' operator works as an 'equals' operator when only one value is selected, works as an 'IN' operator when multiple values are selected, but never works as a 'contains' operator. This means that the query is looking for fields that exactly match the string you've configured as the query value. The result of this is that when you select multiple values, for example [category1] AND [category2], the category selector will filter to show only features that have [category1] OR [category2] as the value for the selected field. However, a feature that has the value of [category1,category2] would not be shown because the value is not an exact match despite containing both search terms.

My idea is to add two additional operators to the Category Selector in Operations Dashboard: "contains" and "does not contain." These operators will allow querying categories that are comma-separated in a single field. (This comma-separated format is standard for Multiple Choice data from Survey123.)


Hello Everyone, 

I was able to solve this problem by using this data expression. I'm not a developer, but I was able to tweak this and got it to work.

My previous experience was to make a filtered view layer, and then make a dashboard from that view layer, but this is obviously more efficient without making potentially dozens of extra layers floating around.  


Hi  Dear ESRI Team!
yes, as the rest of my peers above,  this upgrade would be a great improvement enabling the better use of multiple choices questions collected in Survey123.  
at the moment those are great at data collection time.... but often still a real pain to explore and interpret. 
This 'includes' or 'contains' or options would solve this and greatly improve the category selector filtering tool. 

Thanks in advance and best regards


Going to add my voice to this, as many have mentioned, I am using Survey123 and the results from a select multiple are stored as a single attribute separated by commas. In my current case it's a list of additional equipment needed to deal with trees damaged in storms, but I know there are many more. This is an absolute MUST for allowing supervisors to filter data simply.

It's been under consideration since 2020, which is wild. Even if it's not in the plans yet, or if it's being avoided because of unforeseen challenges I really think this idea post needs an update from the Esri Dashboards team!


Back three years after my original comment on this idea. Still definitely needed. 

Status changed to: Implemented

With the October 2023 update of ArcGIS Dashboards, category selectors now support the 'contains' operator.  . If there is demand, we can/will consider 'does not contain' for a future release.  


Thanks, it has already proven useful!

Is there some way in the existing functions to specify whether choosing multiple categories is combined in a AND operation, rather than OR?


The 'does not contain' is still on my wish list 🙂


Amazing to have it now! Implemented it into one of my Dashboards first thing this morning. Wish it could be a little better at parsing the data to create the options from features, but this is good!

Definitely feel like the 'does not contain' would be a great addition as well @patrickb 


Updated my Enterprise to 11.2 this weekend, but was disappointed that this wasn't included for Enterprise Dashboards. I had a Dashboard all setup for this feature, and now have to find another way to configure a Experience Builder app or something. That is also not the cleanest, because the Filter widget only can filter one layer at a time, so the user has to enter the same text in two text boxes to filter Points and Polylines simultaneously. Hope this comes to Enterprise soon on the next release, it would have been super clean for my users to have point and polyline layers filter with a Category Selector by "contains the text". 


@TylerBoychuk The fact ExB filters can only do one layer at a time absolutely burns it. I also wish they would add the buttons look for 'predefined values' for the options. Simple things, but kind of deal breaking for me right now