Add reporting and ability to export to CSV

12-28-2017 11:10 AM
Status: Implemented
Occasional Contributor II

I recently created my first operations dashboard for use with Survey123 and was a bit disappointed to find i couldn't create reports or export any data.  It would be super helpful for if you could create custom reports and export your filter selections in dashboard to a csv file.


We would like to replace our current online data sharing system with Operations Dashboard.  But we would need a way for users to download data as csv and shapefiles.  


For our purposes, it seems that ESRI products such as Collector and Dashboard are promising, but they just don't quite meet our requirements.  I have to tell my boss this week that we can't export data from Dashboard.  Which means we have to come up with a different method of data sharing.  We really can't wait for ESRI to decide if they are going to add this capability or not.  Our current system is failing.


Could the community PLEASE have an update on this functionality from ESRI?  Even if that update is, "Not coming ever".  The ability to download the data is such a key component to our products that it severely limits our use of Operations Dashboard.


What's new—Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS | Documentation 

They haven't had an update since March of 2019.  Any updates for the this product appear to be just about yearly.  My guess is we probably won't see this function added.  The other route would be to develop a custom application, but that takes significantly more resources then WYSIWYG apps.  I feel the WYSIWYG apps ESRI offers gets you 75% of the way there, but that extra 25% ends up hurting the usefulness.


I agree.  I'm finding it very frustrating as our ESRI rep is introducing us to their apps, resulting in me spending significant amounts of time learning them and customizing them, only to find in the end that they do not fit our needs.  Customized apps are out of the question for us.  I wish ESRI would be more responsive to their clients needs.


Derek Law‌ 

Do you have any updates for this request? or a tracking number/timeline for a possible implementation (if applicable)?


Hi Nathaniel,

> Do you have any updates for this request?

Sorry, I don't have an update on this item. We do have this enhancement request in our Dev backlog. FYI: the team is working on updating Dashboard onto the JavaScript 4.x API and enabling augmented support for Arcade expressions.

Hope this helps,


Like Gayle, customized apps are often not a possibility.  Especially for federal agencies.   I just worked every angle at the Fed UC last week to get an answer on this...with not much success so far.  But I have the ear of a few potentially influential people.  I will let you all know what I find out over the next week or so.




Thank you Kevin!


Hi Ismael Chivite‌ and Survey123 for ArcGIS‌ , 

This is a great functionality but we've found privilage issues with the export of CSV data from S123. 

 Survey123- Allow 'Viewer' User Type to Export Data 

"When S123 results are shared as view only (viewers can only see the results of the survey) and a user type is a 'Viewer' they do not have the ability to export data in the provided data tab. This is a nonsensical error since users are simply exporting a CSV by direct download and data/items are not being created. Please revise the privileges for exporting data on "View Only" survey results. "

Any chance there's a plan to update this? Our users are running into this issue and our "Creator" user type licenses are limited. 

