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Dashboards That Pop: Sparklines

05-16-2023 07:58 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
5 0 1,421

Today we will be continuing our exploration of the different kinds of charts you can create in ArcGIS Dashboards by talking about Sparklines. 

Fancy Trend Dashboard with SparklinesFancy Trend Dashboard with Sparklines



What are Sparklines? 

Sparklines are a very simplified serial chart without axis, coordinates, or legend that focuses on a single category. “Oh, that’s real helpful.” Like all charts, they are quite useful when used properly. Sparklines should be used to examine and compare trends over time. Let’s look at an example.  

We’ll start with this line chart showing NOAA Storm Events over time.  

Multi-Series Line ChartMulti-Series Line Chart



In this chart can you really see how Tornado events behave? Can you accurately compare it to Thunderstorms Wind? 

Focused Multi-Series Line ChartFocused Multi-Series Line Chart



Here we removed all distractions to better focus on the two storm event types. This chart is a great way to display that there are significantly more Thunderstorm Wind events than Tornados over this time period. What it is not great at is showing the trends. Looking at this chart Tornados appear relatively flat with only minor variations and Thunderstorm Wind events have some significant peaks.  

Let’s create a sparkline for our Tornado events to really understand how they are tending. 

Sparkline ChartSparkline Chart



As we can see, Tornado events are quite a bit more volatile than our line chart led us to believe. The large difference in the number of Thunderstorm Wind events and Tornados extended the value axis of our line chart, which then flattened the Tornado events.  

By pulling Tornado events into its own chart, the value axis is constrained to the values that make sense for these events. This allows the peaks, valleys, and plateaus of the data to be visible.  

If we want to compare trends across Thunderstorm Wind events and Tornado events, we can create a series of sparklines called multiples.  

Sparklines: Small MultiplesSparklines: Small Multiples




How to Create Sparklines 

Add a serial chart to your dashboard and select a date/time field as your category field. Do not split by any fields. Remember, sparklines are simple and focus only on a single category. Use the data filter to display a single subcategory.  

Dashboard Data TabDashboard Data Tab



For both the Category Axis and Value Anix, turn off labels, and give the Grid and Axis opacity a value of 0.  

Dashboard Category Axis TabDashboard Category Axis Tab





On the Series tab, change it to a line chart and ensure that data points are toggled off.  

Dashboard Series TabDashboard Series Tab



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About the Author
I'm a Technical Consultant that focuses on app configuration with a little Geospatial Strategy and Governance thrown in.