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Unique symbols with an expression in Collector

02-08-2017 04:04 PM
Regular Contributor

I have a point feature service in AGOL that I want to show as active or inactive based on whether or not there is a date value.  When features are created the values are null.  Essentially I want to show null as one color and not null as another.  I was able to accomplish this by using Types (Unique Symbol) based on a Custom Expression using IsEmpty().  It works in my AGOL web map, but not in Collector.  There is no point symbology in Collector.  I can add a new point, but it doesn't display.  I assume this isn't supported, but why?  Is there another way to go about this?  Is there a way to determine what can be done in AGOL that isn't supported in Collector or Explorer?

1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

As far as I know (symbol) expressions are not supported in Collector. You could try to overcome this if you set up a domain/subtype in your GDB for the field you need different symbols for. Then re-publish it to AGOL and when you set up your symbology based on that field it should pick up the values you just set in the GDB version.

I hope this helps.

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