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Offline Capability works in iOS busted in Android on same map

06-05-2014 06:52 PM
Deactivated User
I cannot seem to get offline data collection to work on Android. I've tested on a Galaxy Tablet and On a Galaxy S4 with no luck. I get an error when synchronizing. When I attempt to synchronize the same project on an iOS device, everything is working great. Anyone else seeing this?
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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
What is the error you are seeing? Are you trying to upload a number of attachments?

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Deactivated User
The feature class to sync does not have attachments enabled. I'd be happy to explore my device and provide error details.

The fields that have have for this feature class are MEDIA_ID, COMMENTS, HYPERLINK, SHAPE, created_user, created_date, last_edited_user, last_edited_date, GlobalID, OBJECTID

It is archived and has globalid's it is not nested within a feature dataset. It resides at the geodatabase root. It is not z-aware and the coordinate system is NAD83 LAT LONG.
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Esri Notable Contributor
Are you using 10.2.2 server?
Can you enable the debug logs on your server and see what errors you are receiving on the server when  you try to sync?

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Deactivated User
Yes I set the level to debug. The map is made of two sync-enabled map services, both are archive-enabled with GUIDS. I bring this up because there is no activity whatsoever on the map service that I am attempting to create data on. But the map service that has my background data on it has plenty of activity in the logs.

What's weird is that everything works iOS and the server logs are active on both services when syncing on that platform.

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