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Map download fails intermittently for same webmap, same device

12-12-2018 10:37 AM
Frequent Contributor

I'm downloading caches for a web map and intermittently it is failing.  I've got bookmarks set in the web map, so when I create the offline area it is for the exact same extent.  Here is one scenario where I think I've caught an error.

In the logging I see:

12/11/18, 12:47 PM [DA43E297-CE8E-450A-80F8-5310F5E184F2] - job failed
12/11/18, 12:47 PM [DA43E297-CE8E-450A-80F8-5310F5E184F2] - Error downloading map: Error Domain=com.esri.arcgis.runtime.error Code=1026 "File opened that is not a database file" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Could not open database at /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C0B0B741-2842-47B1-9F21-0F41D054E1CD/Documents/eej2013@C00.C..., NSLocalizedDescription=File opened that is not a database file, Additional Message=Could not open database at /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C0B0B741-2842-47B1-9F21-0F41D054E1CD/Documents/eej2013@C00.C...}
12/11/18, 12:47 PM [DA43E297-CE8E-450A-80F8-5310F5E184F2] - job failed

Any hints about what this means?  I've attached the log files which I think should contain one failed download at 11:44-12:47pm and one successful one at 4:46-4:52pm (that was a smaller area, but I've also successfully downloaded the larger area and just not managed to capture the logging)

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8 Replies
Esri Contributor

Thank you for the feedback. We have a known issue regarding a similar error message, however in that case it was with performing a sync and not a download. Therefore the error might be the same, but the underlying issue could be different.

At this point we're still investigating this error.

Would you be able to share a map with me to try and repro with on my end? If so, please share the map/services with the Collector4ArcGIS user.

Thank you.


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Frequent Contributor

Sorry, the map has some services behind my firewall. Is there any way to tell what layer the failure is on? If it's non-firewalled, I could make up a new map to test with more focused data.

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Frequent Contributor

I shared a map/services to you called "Collector map to test failed offline area" that at least has everything that lives outside my firewall.  So not sure if that map will fail, but it has most of the same layers as my other map that is failing.  I have a mix of: AGOL hosted feature layers, non-federated services with an AGOL item with stored proxy password, and non-federated services that the user has to be vpn'd into to see. In the same map.

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Esri Contributor

Thank you Erika for share that data. I will try to reproduce the issue you're running into.



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Frequent Contributor

We've got premium support, so let me know if it would be helpful to open a ticket on this.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Erika,

Thank you for the data. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue so far using that map with two downloaded areas. I understand the behavior is intermittent, but have you reproduced this issue using this map on your end?

What version of ArcGIS Server/Portal are you working with?

Aside from the services in this map you shared, do any of the other services you removed have longer service names, about 40 characters or so?

Thank you for the information


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Esri Contributor

Thank you for the information Erika and for the testing.

The reason why I had asked was because prior to 10.6 there was an issue with services that had longer names that caused a create replica failure during a download. This wasn't a Collector issue specifically, rather a Portal/ArcGIS Server issue. However because you're running a newer version, that wouldn't be the issue. Besides all your service names are fairly short.

Please let me know if you run into this error again. If so, and if its using the map you shared with me already, please share any repro steps if necessary.

If you cannot reproduce the issue in this map, perhaps create another test map that includes only those 'removed' layers and see if you can reproduce the issue in that map. Perhaps the issue can be narrowed down to specific services.

Thank you


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