I have created a map and shared it with my group. My group is not showing up in collector nor is my map. Help.
Do you have an editable layer in your map?
As in I can open my map in Map Viewer and select edit and add points?
If so than yes
How did you create the layer of points? They need to be a hosted feature layer or an ArcGIS Server feature service.
Supported data—Collector for ArcGIS | ArcGIS
I created a shapefile, then used editor to create two sample points. I then zipped the shapefiles and uploaded the file in Map Viewer.
So I uploaded the shapefile to ArcGIS online. So now it is a featured layer hosted. Do I publish it? And what do i publish it as? A tile layer? I am doing data collection on bird nests and I just need to be able to add a point to where the nest is for reference.
I think I figured it out!
Great, I'm glad you got it working. If you could, please summarize what you did so that others who hit the problem will see how you solved it. Thanks!