Has anyone tried a data model similar to this in the new 10.3 update and been able to use it successfully? I'm using the Hydrant example from the blog post on the new related table functionality. I’m trying to create the following relationship model...
(Hydrants > Inspections > Violations)
(Hydrants > Inspections > Different Table)
(Hydrants > Inspections > 3rd Related Table)
I’m sticking to the 3 layers deep approach but I have 3 different related tables to the Inspections table. Has anyone tried this approach? Alternatively has anyone tried any approach like the following:
(Feature > Table A > Table D)
(Feature > Table B > Table D)
(Feature > Table C > Table D)
I'd like a good understanding of what is possible if anyone has tried these more complex relationships. Thanks in advance!
So far I have tried a scenario where there are two unique related child tables to the same parent:
Hydrants > Events
Hydrants > Inspections
When you are in the form of Collector for Android, you see both child tables as an option to "View" or "Create New". It works well. I will probably try 3-level in the near future.
Thanks for the feedback Brian. Did you happen to try anything more complex yet, similar to what I described above?
Not yet. I will try to do it later this week or next and will report back. The blog post you mentioned above suggests that it should work up to 3 levels, although I'm not sure about the "1:M:1" "Table D" example.
I have tested 2 additional scenarios:
(Feature > Table A > Table D)
(Feature > Table B > Table D)
(Feature > Table C > Table D)
Doesn't seem to work for me. I can't even establish a relationship class with ArcCatalog. If you try to relate table D to more than one table (A,B,C), I encounter an error "Failed to create the specified relationship class - The relationship class is incompatible with an existing relationship class." In Table D, I have tried this with the same GUID for all 3 and also with separate GUID columns for each table (Table A GUID, Table B GUID, Table C GUID).
Hydrants > Events > Employee
Works well in the Collector for Android. The only negative comment I would have is that you can't really enter multiple rows quickly. See the attached picture for more detail, which shows the bottom of the Events form. In my example, you can have multiple Employees participating in an event. For each employee, from the Event form you have to: click "New" --> enter their data in Employee form --> click "Done" --> takes you back to the Event form --> click "New" again and repeat for each employee. It would be nice if multiple lines could be added while in the Employee form. But it does work and would be suitable for most cases.