Field Added on ArcGIS Online Does not Appear on Collector

07-05-2018 06:16 AM
Frequent Contributor


I have added a field to feature layer hosted on arcgis online using the agol add field button. This field does not appear on collector despite setting it to be editable. 

is this a known bug?

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I just had the same issue as described on this thread.  I created a Hosted Feature Layer in ArcGIS Online.  Added some fields to the layer but when I accessed the map on Collector the fields were nowhere to be seen.  I double checked to make sure the new fields were editable.  That was good.  Then I figured it out.  You have to open the map in ArcGIS Online and Configure the Popups!  Once you check mark the boxes to Display the new fields in the Configure Attributes section of the Configure Popups menu, then the fields are visible and editable in Collector.  Hope this helps!