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Downloading Attachments

10-15-2013 11:54 AM
Emerging Contributor

I want to use the collector app to collect attributes and photos for various structures. I have been able to create a feature service with attachments turned on, everything looks good with the app and the AGOL map but I can't seem to save the feature service back to my ArcGIS desktop version. I can open the feature service on the desktop and with 10.2 and can now see the attached images however I don't see a related table. I want to be able to see which pictures are attached to which point in an offline setting, is this possible?

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16 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
In 10.2 you can create a local copy for editing in ArcMap and this will pull down the attachments. Once you do this you should see a fgdb under the folder FeatureServiceLocalEdits. You do not need to enable sync on the hosted service to be able to pull it down for local copy.

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Emerging Contributor
In 10.2 you can create a local copy for editing in ArcMap and this will pull down the attachments. Once you do this you should see a fgdb under the folder FeatureServiceLocalEdits.

Hi Russ,

I was able to create a local copy for editing but it doesn't look like the attachments came with it. When I load the feature service into my map and use the identify button I can open the images attached to each point however when I create a local copy and use the identify on the same points I no longer see the attachments. Am I missing a step? There doesn't seem to be an associated table for the attachments.

Thanks for your help,
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Esri Notable Contributor
Did you enable sync on that hosted service? There is an issue with 10.2 Desktop if you had enabled sync on your service and try to create a local copy of the service the attachments will not get pulled down. This will be addressed in the 10.2.1 update.

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Emerging Contributor
I just retested to make sure that the sync option was disabled. I am still not getting my attachments.
Does it matter that the feature class was created and attachments were enabled in 10.1?
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Esri Notable Contributor
I don't think so but I have not tested this out. Are you trying to create the local copy in 10.1?
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Emerging Contributor
No, I am using 10.2 to make the local copy but everything else was done in 10.1. My company hasn't made the move to 10.2 yet so I have it installed on one computer to test the collector app. It would be very helpful to get the attachments working. Here is my work flow to ensure I'm not missing anything.
-Create a feature class, use the enable attachment tool.
-Share as a service, publish a service
-Capabilities, Feature Access
-Feature Acces, create, delete, query and update
-Add feature service to a new map and save
-Use the collector app to take a picture at a point
-Add the hosted service to desktop map document
-Right click, create copy for local editing.
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Esri Notable Contributor
Can you share your service with me and I can do a quick test against it?

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Esri Notable Contributor
I am able to view the attachments from the service in ArcMap and also pull down a local copy and view attachments on my 10.2 machine.

My workflow
Open the item URL to the hosted feature service > then choose to open in desktop > identify one of the features. This is where I see the hosted service attachments

Then I right click on the layer > create local copy > add the layer from the newly created gdb from the ArcCatalog panel in into Contents panel and I can identify the same point and see the same attachments. I also see the attachments table in under this gdb.

Let me know if you have any further questions. I would also recommend posting a question in Online forums and/or in the Desktop forums where other people might have similar questions.

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