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Collector 10.4.0 app does not download maps for offline editing - if map was created before 10.4.0 release?

07-29-2016 12:19 PM
Occasional Contributor

Prior to the recent release of 10.4.0 of Collector for ArcGIS our Forest Service team was using Collector successfully for offline data collection. We had new users added and they obtained Collector from the app store (iOS) just 2 weeks ago. They signed into the app, as before and went to download our Recreation features collection map (with editable feature services). However, they can access the map as they are part of the group it is shared with BUT the map does not list a down arrow & cloud icon for adding to device.

Meanwhile...I can access the map with download options on the previous version of the app on my phone. I noticed the face lift that occurred with AGOL around UC time. I revisited the map and all of the offline settings - for the map and every single feature service. Everything is set as it was when it was working prior to the app upgrade.

We are seeing this problem across devices - both iOS and Android tablets/phones. One android user, was using the app with offline collection of said map prior to new release. She decided to see if she would have the same issue, upgraded the app and confirmed. She cannot download the map for use either.

Any ideas to help us get back to collecting the data we need? Anyone else have this issue?

Note -  I did create a new editable feature service on 7/14 and updated the map. The teams can see the new map, but not download it for offline use. Perhaps the newly added service is the kicker?

UPDATE: I found an additional tablet running 10.3.6 build 1158 of collector. The map does not show a cloud or download icon to go offline either. I updated my iPhone to run 10.4.0 build 1402, and the map has offline mode - due being obtained under previous app version.

Do to the nature of our AGOL org - I cannot share the map/services with outside parties. It is internal until is passes vetting process for public viewing.

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