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Collector 10.2.2 Workflow Question

03-15-2014 03:58 AM
Deactivated User
This question relates to changing basemaps on a mobile device prior to using the new download feature.

I'm testing Collector 10.2.2 on a Google Nexus 7 running Android 4.3.  My question is this - while still connected to wi-fi is it possible to change the basemap selection on a mobile map and have that new basemap selection available for download?

For example, I have a mobile web map that by default uses ESRI's world imagery basemap service.  Depending on where I'm working with my mobile device it is sometimes better for me to use Open Street Map as the basemap.  It is easy to change this selection if I'm working in the 'connected' mode, but I want to be able to switch basemaps and then download that newly selected basemap for use in the disconnected mode.  Right now Collector does not seem to support that workflow.

Is there a way to switch basemaps on the mobile device for download to use off-line?

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
In this initial disconnected release we currently only support viewing one basemap when viewing a map that has been downloaded. If you have other basemaps downloaded or sideloaded in the app you can pick one of those options and use that basemap instead of the one authored in the web map when you are going through the workflow and taking a map offline.

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Deactivated User
What if you add a basemap as a layer in your webmap? I believe that you can activate and deactivate this layer according to your basemap layer needs..
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