I am having an issue with the latest release of Collector for iOS (17.0.3) where users are no longer being prompted to authenticate when accessing secured services (these are hosted on our own ArcGIS Server). We have tried several things to log off the previous user, including switching to a different ArcGIS Online account, restarting the app, even uninstalling the app and reinstalling it. Nothing works! Somehow the user credentials are saved. I have contacted ESRI and they have been able to replicate the issue on their end. A bug has been created and my case has been closed for now. I am trying to come up with a workaround as I have several field users who share an iPad and need them to sign in with their own credentials before conducting an inspection. The only way I could think of to force a user out was to temporary remove their access to the service by modifying their permissions in the Identity Store under ArcGIS Manager. I'm wondering if anybody has a better way to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance!
This has started happening at my organization as well with feature services coming from ArcGIS server. Have you noticed any issues associated with this?
The same problem here
https doesn´t work here
Any idea?
In the window where you can switch users, you can also remove users in Collector for ArcGIS on Android. Have you also tried removing the account? This will prompt for credentials (AGOL) again, but may also prompt again for the service's credentials.
I would expect uninstalling/reinstalling the application to work even though that is not ideal.
The Android version works fine, it's the iOS version that is not. I don't see where I would be able to remove a user in Collector for iOS, the only option I have is to Sign out. I have tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling it and somehow the last user's credentials were still there.
Alina, you would just sign out on iOS. Collector on Android and Windows allow you to switch users.
Hi Dan
I did a lot of times and nothing. I get the messenger "Check url or credencials" when I try to put https://myurlportal/arcgis
Collector was uninstalled e reinstalled. My Android device is new (I bought one 4 days ago).
We here use Linux , Hosted Portal and Server 10.4.1 Federated. Here my url https://smart.campus.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/arcgis
In my computer was installed from Windows Store the Collect and the screen it´s my dream (Login using AGOL account or Enterprise account). Works very well.
This is a different issue than what this forum is discussing. Are you signing in to your Portal with the FCUL account or the arcgis account?
Sorry Dan
I know it´s a different problem.
I´m trying to login using ArcGIS account and FCUL Account. The same error.
Can you test going into the browser (chrome, firefox, etc) on the Android device and try logging in to your Portal there?