Does anyone know if Webscene commenting can be made open to the public and not just for arcgisonline members?
It seems that even though the maps are made public, that you need to 'sign in' to make a comment.
I don't know the answer to this. Although the scenes are made in CityEngine, this is more of an ArcGIS.com question. I believe that this is a significant roadblock on use of the commenting feature, and we need a solution.
GeoComments are only possibly when being logged in. Therefore you need to have an AGOL account.
If this were possible publicly, I'm sure some idiot would program a bot/virus that would spam the hell out of geocomments.
Matthias Buehler
Head of 3D Technologies
twitter: @MattB3D
Garsdale Design Limited
Matt is right. Maybe we let them use their Facebook or other credentials.
It would be a significant improvement if we could have public login's (either facebook, twitter, arcgisonline or google...etc) to allow for public commenting.
It would be a determining factor of whether or not webscenes are used as part of public engagement, at least at the municipal planning level.
Perhaps there could be a another way to 'administer' commenting on webscenes that would make it more advantageous for public engagement/feedback.
Public participation is a very important topic. Just last week, I taught CityEngine at the Technical University of Vienna and this topic in particular was discussed.
To do this properly, we'd need a lot more different functionality, not just GeoComments. A discussion about any needed features would be very interesting.
Maybe let's start collecting ?
Matthias Buehler
Head of 3D Technologies
twitter: @MattB3D
Garsdale Design Limited
Are there sticky threads here, like in the previous forum site?
Hi Mike, we just added a commenting function in CloudCities. Maybe have a look on an example scene with comments: CloudCities We are still in a beta phase and looking for feedback. CloudCities is based on Esri's 3D technology and you can upload your CityEngine web scenes and customize the interface and dashboards. In the moment you have to sign in for the free account in CloudCities to make comments: CloudCities. Maybe this would be also an option to link it with social media login's.