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Ortho Image does not align to DEM

03-20-2014 08:59 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: tmcbroome

I have a scene where the ortho images do not properly align. The image and data align just fine in ArcMap and ArcScene.
Projection:  NAD83 UTM Zone 18N (image, DEM, and Data are all using this projection)

I have tried images from different sources, a geotiff exported from ArcMap and the down sampled version of the original 30cm ortho image.

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3 Replies
Deactivated User
Has anyone else run into this issue?
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: natebrigmon

Has anyone else run into this issue?

Have you tried clipping both the DEM and Ortho Image? The DEM doesn't look like it has all the terrain that the Ortho covers...


Maybe CE is getting confused? A matched image might perform better.

I would try a smaller matched dataset and then scale up if this continues as a real problem.
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Deactivated User
That is a good suggestion Nate, thank you. I will give it a go
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