Hi Matthias!I have a question that has to do with models built on sloped lots. Following your example, I started with the base volume:
Lot -->
LotAligned(yDim) -->
extrude(world.y, 100)
split(y) {yDim : BaseVolume | ~1 : NIL}
Then I want to do something to the top only if the front face exceeds a certain y scope. But I don't know how to access the y scope of the just the front without doing a component split first, and then I can't apply this to the top face, which is already split off.Any suggestions?Thanks!-MariePS. One related question: I was trying to deal with this by setting a boolean attribute, i.e:
comp(f) {front: BaseFacade | left : BaseSide | right : BaseSide| back : BaseSide | bottom : NIL | top : setPivot (yzx,4) Ground Row }
BaseFacade -->
case scope.sy >= floorHeight: set(multistory, true)
else: BaseSide
However, this doesn't work. Any ideas?Thank you...