webmap not supported after updating to AppStudio 5.3

03-21-2022 04:52 PM
Occasional Contributor

I updated to AppStudio 5.3 and now my map (that was loading in 5.2) is not loading with a task status of LoadStatusFailedToLoad and an error message stating that the map is not supported because it is a version Pre 2.0. But the web map was created just 3 months ago and I saved it today. It is also working in AppStudio 5.2.

Is this a bug or is there something I need to do differently for AppStudio 5.3?

19 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I had a similar problem recently but my map was old.

What worked for me was opening the map in the new map viewer (not classic) making a small change (I think I added a bookmark) then saving the map.

I hope this helps

Esri Contributor

Hi @DavidPuckett,

Sorry to hear you are encountering issues accessing your map. We are unaware of any issues with accessing web maps with the new AppStudio 5.3. I am able to reproduce this error only when using old web maps versions 1.6. I'd recommend verifying a few things:

  • Verify you can open the map with Map Viewer
  • You're referencing the correct map id
  • Test the map using the Web Map sample application

Otherwise, please reach out to Esri support so they can further troubleshoot before creating a ticket if necessary. 


Trevor Frame

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Hi Trevor,

Is is possible to query the item id and get the version of the map using the Python API for ArcGIS or the runtime?






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Occasional Contributor

I was able to log out the version using the runtime


2.23 for me

MapView {
    id: mapView
    // Delete all the features in the poi layer; local first then
    // apply the edits to the cloud after
    function logVersion () {
    // Grab as much as you can
    // old map link:
    // "https://bcitgis.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=53de6361de1e48009cf01e78557440ce"
    anchors.fill: parent
    Map {
        id: map
        initUrl: 'https://bcitgis.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=0a5459e98e15445b8ba8392f834a1c2b'
} // end of the MapView


Esri Contributor

Hi Rob,

Sorry, I'm not too familiar with Python API, but you can probably use the REST sharing API url to retrieve data about the web map. In AppStudio, we use the url to get the map info. It looks something like  https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/[web map id]/data and responds with a JSON like object with a version attribute. You can even test it with your browser and get the web map object.


Trevor Frame

Occasional Contributor

You can use the ArcGIS Online Assistant to get the web map version @rob_hewy 

ArcGIS Online Assistant

Log in and from the 'I want to...' menu select 'View and Item's JSON' and then select your web map from the Root list on the left. It's all the way at the bottom of the Data section.

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Occasional Contributor

I have verified all of your recommendations and am seeing the same issue with all 5.3 apps including AppStudio 5.3 on Windows and AppStudio Player 5.3.17 on both iOS and Android. But not on my installation of AppStudio 5.2 on Windows. I have also verified that the version of the web map is 2.23 using the ArcGIS Online Assistant (see attached).

Other web maps work in the same 5.3 apps however with the same version, 2.23. Could it have to do with the spatial reference of the web map?

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Occasional Contributor
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

When I checked with AppStudio 5.3/100.13 the version for the Seattle map is null


qml: ==================== GIST 8010 ==================
qml: ===== Version: 
qml: ==================== WAR  END  ==================


On my test map I get:

qml: ==================== GIST 8010 ==================
qml: ===== Version: 2.23
qml: ==================== WAR  END  ==================


It might be projection: https://epsg.io/2926




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