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Quick Report Apps Hang on iOS

08-12-2015 01:18 PM
Deactivated User

Every app I have ever built using the Quick Report Template gets hung up when loading on an iOS device. They play and run fine on Windows and Android devices, but the app hangs up before loading the signin button on any iOS device. The behavior occurs whether using a native app built using the make service, or whether using the app from within the iOS Player. Can anyone help with this?

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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Are you able to share the feature service url that you are using in your app?

Also if you create a quick report app with the default feature service, do you see the same behavior?

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Deactivated User

It happens with any feature service that I connect to it. All of our feature services are hosted on ArcGIS Online.

If I try the default feature service, it seems to work fine. I've tried both the AppStudio desktop as well as the web version, and even tried creating a simple feature layer online using the wizard. All of these hang up on iOS, even in the Player, but seem to work fine on Windows and Android platforms.

One of several feature layers I have tried:

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Esri Regular Contributor

Thank you for sharing this feature service. I tried it in a template quick report app and launched it on my windows PC and iPad. In my case, the app worked as expected on both.

At what stage of the app, do you see the 'hanging'? Is it whilst the app is loading (right at the beginning, when the wait cursor is spinning), or is it when you are attempting to add the new report?

Just to be sure that the service is being added to the template correctly (there are some issues currently with the Settings > Properties dialog which will be rectified in the next beta), open your app in Qt Creator and browse to the appinfo.json file. This is where all the properties are saved. Scroll to the featureServiceURL and ensure the correct service is listed here. The following screenshot shows your service in my app:


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Deactivated User

Thanks, Marika. I've verified that the correct feature service is being loaded into the appinfo.json file. The app hangs right at the beginning. The wait cursor continues to spin and never moves beyond that point. I only run into this issue on iOS devices (multiple different iPhones and iPads). Otherwise, it works as expected on Windows and Android devices.

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Deactivated User

Has anyone else run across this issue? Marika- Do you have any insight into this?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Since studying this thread we've done some comparisons between the templates and may have found a solution. We previously made a change to Map Tour to ignore SSL errors - and that fixed similar issues on iOS. Were now making that change to Quick Report and trying it out. More info soon.

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