IOS 11 Suspended State

11-19-2017 02:35 PM
New Contributor

Hello Everyone,
I am building a location tracking app that sends out user's location to external server on fixed intervals (I'm using Timer to achieve this). This works as intended on Android and on my iPad which is running IOS 9.3.1.
However, on my iPhone (11.0.2), the app will go into suspended state after the app is in the background or when the screen is locked for about 20 minutes. When this happens, the app will stop processing (sending the location) and it will resume again when the app is reopened (returned to Active state). Is there anyway to stop this from happening?
Edit: I've enabled "Background Location" in the capabilities and have also tried using Position Source as suggested here but still stops working after 10 to 20 minutes. 

Patrick Win.  

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for posting your question. I am not sure why is this happening. This requires some investigation and testing. Please go ahead and log an Esri support issue so that they can further troubleshoot this issue. This way it can be tracked. If they are able to reproduce this issue. They will log it as a software defect.

If anyone else having the same issue please log a ticket with the support team.



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