Any idea why I'm not seeing a map come up when I test my ArcGIS API for python installation? I followed the instructions in Install and set up | ArcGIS for Developers. You probably need more information to answer this question. If you do, please let me know what would be helpful to have.
Yup... since it works for me... but I am on a machine will full admin rights, no network stuff etc etc
I have version 1.4.1 of ArcGIS API for Python. Also, I have two environments. So I switched my active environment to the one that had been inactive to test if that would help. But in that environment, I can't even create a new notebook in order to run the test above. Here's the output I get in the command window:
[W 12:29:19.999 NotebookApp] Permission denied: Untitled.ipynb
[W 12:29:20.000 NotebookApp] 403 POST /api/contents (::1) 264.00ms referer=http:
I'm a total novice with ArcGIS API for python, so any help would be appreciated.
Try opening a command prompt and navigating to a directory where you know you have write privileges. Then activate the environment you created:
activate myarcgispro-py3
(If you receive an error that the command cannot be found, add the path to the conda executables to your PATH environment variable. It should be in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\Scripts.)
After the environment is activated, then type
jupyter notebook
Once in the browser create a new notebook and attempt to add the map. Does that work?
John, do you mean the 'proenv.txt' file, there are no *.pth files in that location
No, I am referring to add the path to the conda executables to PATH if the activate command is not found when running it at the command prompt.