I'm trying to use use a Jupyter notebook with the arcgis.gis module to do some administration of my ArcGIS Online content.
this is the basics of what I've done so far.
srch = gis.content.search('',item_type = "Web Map", max_items = 500)
for s in srch:
print (s.title, " - ", s.numViews," - ", s.id)
I would like to be able to run a query and see all Web Maps and Web Applications that have been viewed within the past week or so. The "numViews" item that I can search on will give me the total number of views of an Map or App, but I would like to see when the views happened.
Is this possible or is there a better way to do this?
This sounds like it would be really useful! I hope there is a way to do this and I'll be watching this thread. Please move the thread to the https://community.esri.com/groups/arcgis-python-api?sr=search&searchId=a266dd84-6fac-4de4-8973-1dd4e... group since the GeoNet Help is for help with the GeoNet.
Moved. Thanks!
I would like to know more about this too, and maybe - querying not only web maps and apps, but data items, such as map/feature services usage with time. This will provide the management what data has not been used and may cut off the data subscriptions et al.