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Update Point Geometry

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03-14-2023 12:31 PM
Emerging Contributor

I am trying to update point geometry from an outside data set.  I can update all the other data and can successfully create new points with the correct geometry but when I try to update the geometry of an existing point the data layer does not update its location.  The pre and post geometry tags are updated correctly but when I requery the point it still has the old geometry.

gwp_content = gis.content.get('########################')
gwp_layer = gwp_content.layers[0]

assets_f = assets.query("AssetID == 'B1610'")
for a in assets_f.itertuples():    

# for a in assets.itertuples():    
        gwp_fset = gwp_layer.query(where="AssetID='" + a.Index + "'")
        f_count = len(gwp_fset.features)
        if f_count > 0:
            gwp_f = gwp_fset.features[0]

            # print("Pre", a)
            print("Pre gwp_f", gwp_f)
            # print(a.Index)
            new_geometry =  {"x":a.POINT_X, "y":a.POINT_Y}
            spatial_reference = gwp_fset.spatial_reference
            output_geometry = geometry.project(geometries=[new_geometry],in_sr=4326,out_sr=spatial_reference,gis=gis)
            gwp_f.geometry = output_geometry

            # gwp_f.set_value("geometry",{"x":a.POINT_X, "y":a.POINT_Y, "spatialReference" : {"wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857}})

            update_result = gwp_layer.edit_features(updates=[gwp_f])
            print("Geo:", gwp_f.geometry)
            print("Post gwp_f", gwp_f)
            # print("Update Result:",update_result)
Any help would be appreciated.  I have spent way too many hours scouring the forums.
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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
MVP Regular Contributor

There's your problem, your geometry is nested in a list in the second case.

Edit:  geometry.project() is returning a list with a single geometry, and your code is handling it as if it were just a geometry.

View solution in original post

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8 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Is this an AGOL hosted feature layer?  You very well may have already done this, but from the item page's Settings make sure to check two things:

  • Under Editing, make sure that it's set to allow both attribute and geometry updates, and not just attribute updates
  • Below that will be a link to "Manage geometry updates", click on that to open a pop-up and in it, make sure the layer you're updating is checked
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Emerging Contributor

I appreciate the response.  I had already made sure those were checked and the layer is checked.  I had done that when I created the layer since we do allow our field staff to update the layer through the Web Map App.  Thanks again for responding I appreciate any help I can get.

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MVP Regular Contributor

Can you print gwp_f to the console to see what it looks like immediately before you call edit_features()?  Not looking for anything in particular, but if it's structured in a weird way that might cause the update to be a no-op.

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Emerging Contributor

Here is a console shot of the pre, the geo and the post.  It shows it changed but doesn't push the geo to AGOL.  If I update any of the other fields it will push those to AGOL.


Pre gwp_f {"geometry": {"x": -11734292.3359, "y": 4841408.441699997, "spatialReference": {"wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857}}, "attributes": {"FID": 6762, "buildingID": 1575, "UTMX": 464835.62, "UTMY": 4409076.96, "UTMZone": "13", "UTMDatum": "NAD 83", "Status": "IN-SERVICE", "Record": "YES", "Method": "CONSULTANT", "CreatedBy": "PotterG", "CreatedDat": 1521612000000, "ModifiedBy": "PotterG", "ModifiedDa": 1678860000000, "Title": "Bandimere Cabin", "GUIDID": " ", "URL": "http:// ", "POINT_X": -105.410941666, "POINT_Y": 39.830963216, "GlobalID": "{9952BC6F-69D7-4FC0-8A07-432249E937EF}", "RMID": "NRPO4274", "GlobalID_2": "94584ada-21d5-499d-bda1-b78e0c185757", "Latitude": "39\u00b049'51.47\" N", "Longitude": "105\u00b024'39.39\" W", "End_Date": null, "Begin_Date": -2208988800000, "AssetID": "B1575", "F_": null, "AssetSubType": "Bunkhouse"}}

Geo: [{'x': -11734292.350298584, 'y': 4841408.633804429, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 102100, 'latestWkid': 3857}}]

Post gwp_f {"geometry": [{"x": -11734292.350298584, "y": 4841408.633804429, "spatialReference": {"wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857}}], "attributes": {"FID": 6762, "buildingID": 1575, "UTMX": 464835.62, "UTMY": 4409076.96, "UTMZone": 13.0, "UTMDatum": "NAD 83", "Status": "IN-SERVICE", "Record": "YES", "Method": "CONSULTANT", "CreatedBy": "PotterG", "CreatedDat": 1521612000000, "ModifiedBy": "PotterG", "ModifiedDa": 1678860000000, "Title": "Bandimere Cabin", "GUIDID": " ", "URL": "http:// ", "POINT_X": -105.410941666, "POINT_Y": 39.830963216, "GlobalID": "{9952BC6F-69D7-4FC0-8A07-432249E937EF}", "RMID": "NRPO4274", "GlobalID_2": "94584ada-21d5-499d-bda1-b78e0c185757", "Latitude": "39\u00b049'51.47\" N", "Longitude": "105\u00b024'39.39\" W", "End_Date": null, "Begin_Date": -2208988800000, "AssetID": "B1575", "F_": null, "AssetSubType": "Bunkhouse"}}

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MVP Regular Contributor

There's your problem, your geometry is nested in a list in the second case.

Edit:  geometry.project() is returning a list with a single geometry, and your code is handling it as if it were just a geometry.

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks, changed it to 

gwp_f.geometry = output_geometry[0]
and that fixed my problem.
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Esri Regular Contributor


Not sure if this will help you, but here's a simple example that works for me to update an existing point:

from arcgis import GIS
from arcgis.geometry import Point
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

gis = GIS("", "username", "password")
fl_url = url = ""
fl = FeatureLayer(url, gis)
sdf = fl.query(as_df=True)
example_df = sdf.loc[sdf.OBJECTID==1].copy()[["OBJECTID", "SHAPE"]][0, "SHAPE"] = Point({"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80, "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}})

update_fs = example_df.spatial.to_featureset()
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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for helping.   I was able to stay with my current code after MobiusSnake pointed out the error in my ways. 

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