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Survey123 report generation fails using ArcGIS API for python

11-27-2023 08:54 AM
Emerging Contributor

Using the command below

survey_by_id.generate_report(report_template=choice, report_title="Report",where=f"objectid = {ob}", output_format="pdf")

I was able to generate survey123 report using ArcGIS Pro 3.0 when switched to ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3 the code fails and return the following error 

File "D:\Inspection_report\", line 33, in rep_gen
survey_by_id.generate_report(report_template=choice, report_title="Report",where=f"objectid = {ob}", output_format="pdf")
File "C:\Users\MFarhat\AppData\Local\ESRI\conda\envs\arcgispro-py3-clone\lib\site-packages\arcgis\apps\survey123\", line 353, in generate_report
fl_url = self._stk_url
AttributeError: 'Survey' object has no attribute '_stk_url'

any idea on how to solve the issue?

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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Did you ever find a solution to this?

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Occasional Contributor

I'm also facing this issue and haven't figured it out yet. @ZacharySutherby any advice?

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Occasional Contributor

Did you find any solutions @MattLayman or @Aymen_Farhat ? Any insights would be much appreciated. I'm running into the same issue.

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Occasional Contributor

Not yet. I went ahead and added a separate thread to Geonet in the hopes that someone from ESRI will respond...

Regular Contributor

Hey guys,

I think we found an answer to this.  If you dive into the underlying arcgis api code, it gets into this buggy pathway when the user you are signed in with in the python code is different than the user who owns the item in AGOL.  If you make those users one and the same it will run fine.  Here is what my code looked like... very simplified for this form.  Hope this helps.  

Make sure the owner of the form is the same user that you sign into with your python code

from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
from arcgis.apps.survey123 import Survey, SurveyManager

gis = GIS("your_url", "your_username", "your_password")

survey_manager = SurveyManager(gis)
item = gis.content.get("your_item_number")

survey = Survey(item=item, sm=survey_manager)

templates = survey.report_templates
pdf_report = survey.generate_report(templates[0], where="objectid=1", output_format="pdf")
print("Single report as PDF: ", pdf_report)
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Occasional Contributor

Thanks Nathan. Yes, I've found this to be the case, however, I want a user who is NOT the owner of the form to be able to run this script. No luck so far with getting ESRI to respond as to whether this is possible...

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