Using the 1.8.5 Arcgis API for python.
I am exporting a SEDF to local featureclass. I have tried both a mobile geodatabase and a file geodatabase. The SEDF is roughly 2 million rows. The save is taking many hours to do,on the order of 6 to7 hours. For reference just saving the dataframe as CSV takes a few minutes and about 5 or 6minutes if the SHAPE field exports as WKT.
Any ideas on what is going on or how to fix it? Prior database bulk insertion work I'v done sometimes the problem was that the indexing is not turned off, thus the index is being rebuilt with every new record.
Have you tried an upgrade? version 2 was released . Public availability: Feb 4, 2022.
try a
>>> conda update arcgis
Tried. Did not help.
BTW the update is a bit more complicated. The ESRI installed enviroment blocked the conda update. I cloned the default ESRI env, then did the update.
open an 'Issue" on their github site
Esri/arcgis-python-api: Documentation and samples for ArcGIS API for Python (
would be your best bet