Hi, I'm looking to write a script to rebuild a geocoder published to portal 11.2
Something like:
gis = GIS(
url="<portal url>",
gis_servers = gis.admin.servers.list()
server = gis_servers[0]
services = server.services.list(folder='Geocoders')
address_locator1 = services[0] #locator to rebuild 1
address_locator2 = services[1] #locator to rebuild 2
arcpy.geocoding.RebuildAddressLocator(address_locator1) #?
I can access the services and see everything so no issues there. But the reference data for these 2 locators, is in our local production DB. So I'm not sure how the rebuild function would access the data.
Do I need to write a script that uses an sd draft instead? Or what if I changed the locators reference data to use publicly accessible hosted services? I'm assuming that would work.
Whats best practice? Thank you.
@AaronManuel2 The following help topic references the best practice for updating a locator and the geocode service. https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/data/geocoding/keep-your-locator-up-to-date.htm#ESRI_S...