I have many (between 400 and 4600 depending on how I do it) icon images (.png) that I need to import into style manager as marker symbols. The images are named such that they match a field in a point layer, such that I can automatically match the symbols (via a value field) to the corresponding style. The problem is in loading the style library, I really don't want to load these manually. So I was exploring how I might do it via scripting or code but I'm not having much luck. Any suggestions?
A bit more info, there are ~4600 possible icon .png images (existing) but for any given map there will likely only be 3-400 actually utilized. Perhaps the most efficient thing to do (if I could figure out how) would be to walk through the points in a layer, and if there isn't an image in the style library matching the coded field, add the image to the library. This would avoid adding a lot of instances of icon images for which there are no matching points.