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Persist Selection After GP Tool Runs

9 hours ago
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

I'm aware of management.SelectLayerByAttribute but from what I remember that keeps the selection set within the scope of the script and won't *actually* select them to appear in the attributes pane. How can I get the selected features to persist after the script and show up in the attributes pane as if I had run the "Select by Attributes" GUI? Can I only get that selection by outputting it to a temporary layer and adding it to the map? I would prefer to simply mimic the GUI button. This functionality works fine in the Python console, just not via a GP tool.

I'm trying to make a simple script that searches a feature class and finds "unconnected" ploylines that don't have X feature at either end and then simply return a selection of those so that I can visually inspect them.

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