Trying to download a metadata xml file from a feature layer (not to be confused with a feature service).
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to specify an output directory or path for the downloaded file. Looking at the documentation, it seems to accept a string parameter, but I only get errors when I feed it either an output directory, or a full file path.
If I don't specify anything, it just downloads the xml to a temp folder. Am I doing something wrong?
Perhaps a slightly long-winded aproach, but the following may solve your issue.
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
gis = GIS("<url>", "<username>", "<password>")
item = gis.content.get("<itemID>")
layer = item.layers[0]
ET.register_namespace("", "")
ET.register_namespace("gco", "")
ET.register_namespace("gts", "")
ET.register_namespace("srv", "")
ET.register_namespace("gml", "")
ET.register_namespace("gmx", "")
ET.register_namespace("xlink", "")
ET.register_namespace("xsi", "")
# Parse document
tree = ET.parse(layer.metadata)
# Write file
Unfortunately I couldnt get the method that you are trying to use to work either.