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invite_users() method to add external users to groups in ArcGIS Online portal not working

New Contributor II

Hi There,

I have set up some code to be able to add a single user to multiple groups in arcgis online.  This works fine when using the add_users() or the invite_users() methods for an internal user but when I try to do it for an external user with the invite_users() method it doesn't work. 

The method returns the value 'True' but it doesn't actually do anything.  I have sent invitations to the same user using the button on the group page so the user and group are setup correctly.

Is it possible to add external users to groups using python, do I need to specify that these users are external somewhere?  Any help gratefully received!


1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hey Deirdre,


Can we just confirm that the group has been configured for external users to be able to be added? The documentation here shows the setting that needs to be enabled for this.


Esri UK -Technical Support Analyst
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