I am currently working on a script that reads the number of features selected in a layer and returns a message or does a function based on how many records are selected.
If 0 are selected: it tells the user to "make a selection"
If >10, it tells users "too many features selected, must be less than 10"
If they select between 1-10 features, it runs the rest of the function.
I have the following logic:
features = int(arcpy.GetCount_management (featureLayer).getOutput(0))
if features<1:
elif features>10:
function proceeds....
The issue with this logic is that if no features are selected (if features<1:) it reads it as the count of the entire feature class and so returns msg2.
I tried instead to use the logic of
desc = arcpy.Describe (Featureclass)
if desc.FIDset ==' ':
arcpy.addmessage (msg1)
This second logic works in ArcGIS desktop, but will not work in AGOL if I publish as a Geoprocessing service.
Can anyone think of any workarounds that will recognize if 0 records are selected?
Yes I have to agree with Xander here, I do not think it is possible for a GP process to know of a client side selection in WAB using the GP Widget.
Hi Ahna, curious if you found a solution?
Hello Chris, I ended up using a work around that identified a range of features a user could select and run the function for.My database had more than 20000 features, so I set that a selection range had to be between 1 & 200, If a user did not select anything, it would read it as if all 20000 features were selected & so the function would not run. Not the most ideal solution, but a work around nonetheless. I'd be happy to share this part of the code logic with you if it would help.
Could you please share the code, I am running into the same problem. Thank you!
Hi Matt,
Here's the code I ended up using to get around this- I basically set it so that a user had to select between 1 - ### features to run the script. This way, if a user does not select between 1 and ##(say 25) , the script will attempt to run on the entire data set, which will then throw the error message in Line 12
featureLayer = arcpy.GetParameter(0) #this line respects the selection
listA =[]
##Add selected features to listA as needed
if len(listA) in range (1,26): #this is the line that ensures something gets selected as long as the dataset is more than 25 features
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor([insertlayerhere], ([comma separated fields here])) as uc:
for row in uc:
msg1= "OBJECTID(s) {0} will be InsertActionHere".format(listA)
msg1="Please select between 1 and 25 valid features."
#pass message 1
arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, msg1)
instead of line 6 / passing everything into a list the following code also works:
features = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(featureLayer).getOutput(0))
Hope this makes sense, let me know if not, I'd be happy to discuss further!