Using either the ArcGIS API for Python arcis api for python or the AGOL Web UI, I am not able delete coded domain values (CDV) that were mistakenly added to a field. The field has a sub-type associated with it, but even in an earlier test version, without the subtype, if I use the update_definition or delete_from_definition methods the CDVs seem to "stick"
Anyone have an example - ideally scripted - on how I am supposed to remove - I was able to add CDVs through the python API, so I assume I should be able to remove them, yes?
If this is possible (haven't checked) and you were able to add them, I suspect that update_definition is what you're after. This should correspond to the REST API operation of the same name which I believe is used for the purpose.
I have already tried that. It doesn't work. I am looking for an example of syntax on how to do it. The return messaging is terrible and regardless of whether it works or not it says "success: True"
I see. Just to confirm, you are working with a Hosted Feature Layer correct?
Yes - uploaded a gdb to AGOL and then working against the hosted layer collection that results.