I've been seeing some inconsistencies using the SEDF with some of the more basic pandas functions where I get the following error:
Exception has occurred: AbstractMethodError
This method must be defined in the concrete class GeoArray
An example with the latest conda environment:
- arcgis 2.0.1
- pandas 1.3.5
- arcpy 3.0
SDF = FeatureSet.from_geojson(Data).sdf
# The following line throws the error
SDF.replace({True: 1, False: 0}, inplace=True)
# AbstractMethod Error...
Interesting enough when I did a merge with a standard dataframe it works...
SDF = FeatureSet.from_geojson(Data).sdf
# Merge with some Tabular Data
SDF = pd.merge(SDF, TableDataframe, how="left", on=["id"])
SDF.replace({True: 1, False: 0}, inplace=True)
# All Good!
I've seen this error a few times with some of the more "generic" pandas functions but I am just wondering if anyone has any insights or suggestions when you are using the GeoAccessor class to run some analysis?