Hi..I tried to add Tensorflow Package in ArcGIS Pro by cloning existing arcgispro-py3 environment to run deep learning package in ArcPro. Unfortunately, it gives an error "Error: Failed to create environment" and I cannot add TF package. I am using Pro 2.4 with professional license. I am currently learning ArcGIS Pro for Deep Learning using ESRI training module "https://learn.arcgis.com/en/projects/use-deep-learning-to-assess-palm-tree-health/lessons/detect-palm-trees-with-a-deep-learning-model.htm"... Appreciate any helps and support to resolve my issue..
If you hover over the red exclamation mark you should get some more information on the error. Could you try that and share a screenshot of the more detailed error?
I was having the same issue and it turns out my companies firewall was blocking the request the application was making.
I had the same error and shows the same message on the red exclamation mark. How did you fix that @Sean Wellman?
Try running pro as an administrator. I had this problem and I was able to clone using this method.
As per Nathan's suggestion, I also found that running as Administrator resolved this problem. Further, for those who might be interested, I've put together a little tutorial on GitHub that shows how you can use Anaconda to manage packages within cloned ArcGIS Pro Python environments.
This was helpful. Running as admin solved my issue. Thanks a bunch.