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Deploying a streamlit dashboard with Arcgis API for Python

2 weeks ago
New Contributor II

Hello ! 


I am new to Arcgis API for Python, and I would like to know if it is possible to deploy a streamlit dashboard on our Arcgis Server. 

My script calls APIs from files in ArcGIS enterprise, and then contains analytics using pandas. 


I would like to know whether or not it is possible and what are the different steps to undertake if needed. 


Thank you very much in advance, 




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3 Replies
New Contributor

I'm not sure what the limitations of substack are, but it's possible that you could at least gain some ground by moving away from the streamlit model and instead try rebuilding this within the ipywidgets ecosystem. My go-to stack is to use the Panel library with Param, which can then build your app into a static web page so you don't need a live python server hosting the app components. This trick even works for bokeh tooling.

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New Contributor

I'm not sure what the limitations of substack are, but it's possible that you could at least gain some ground by moving away from the streamlit model and instead try rebuilding this within the ipywidgets ecosystem. My go-to stack is to use the Panel library with Param, which can then build your app into a static web page so you don't need a live python server hosting the app components. This trick even works for bokeh tooling.

I got this,...

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New Contributor II

Thank you this is helpful. My dashboard is currently fully developped in streamlit, and I have never used ipywidget before, would you have some resources to help me adapt my streamlit dashboard code into a code adaptes to the ipywidgets ecosystem ? Thank you very much for your quick response !


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