I currently have two conda environments configured for use with ArcGIS Python API installed on my machine.
The first one is based on a full Anaconda install, the later one is based on ArcGIS Pro's Python environment.
The installation based on ArcGIS Pro has the following issue when working with the ArcGIS Python API in Jupyter Notebook: Objects do not show their HTML representation.
For example, the following script shows a nice Picture in the Anaconda environment:
from arcgis.gis import *
gis = GIS()
from IPython.display import display, display_html
item = gis.content.search('Flights')[0]
However, the ArcGIS Pro based environment just prints this line:
<Item title:"flight AH 5017" type:Web Map owner:mista_moneybags>
If I change display(item) to display_html(item), the output is all empty.
However, if I change to
display_html(item._repr_html_(), raw=True)
the output is all fine.
So the HTML-Rendering basically works, as well as the object is able to represent itself as HTML.
Any ideas, why the standard display() / display_html() does not work as expected?
Kind Regards
Hi Jens, Similar to your other post, can you put this in the Early Adopter Community forums? https://earlyadopter.esri.com
Sorry, I haven't seen the Beta Program as I first launched the Early Adopter platform and ArcGIS Python API was not listed under Beta Opportunities. I've just overseen the "Join the Beta" link on ArcGIS API for Python | ArcGIS for Developers .
Furhtermore, the link "Forum" on ArcGIS API for Python | ArcGIS for Developers links to this GeoNet area.
Very confusing but posting in EAP makes absolutely sense, so thanks for the hint.