I understand that the GIS.content.search() has a max_items parameter, but what about all of the other tools? Is there a property that can be set in the GIS object or anywhere else?
Take the item.dependent_to() method for example. The documentation does not list any parameters or make any mention that a limit exists in the first place:
()https://developers.arcgis.com/python/api-reference/arcgis.gis.toc.html#arcgis.gis.Item.dependent_toReturns items, urls, etc that are dependent to this item. This capability (item dependencies) is not yet available on ArcGIS Online. Currently it is available only with an ArcGIS Enterprise.
A python example:
from arcgis.gis import GIS
g = GIS(profile='xxx')
print("Connected to: {}\nConnected as: {}".format( g.url ,g.users.me.username))
id_of_interest = 'bd9902d1c85c4bfab5636af782a89219'
item_of_Interest = g.content.get(id_of_interest)
dep_to = item_of_Interest.dependent_to()
### Returns 10 ###
Returns 10 items.
My workaround function is relatively slow but proves that there are 44 dependencies:
def Find_WMs_using_layer(layer_item, webmaps_list=[]):
if not webmaps_list:
webmaps_list = g.content.search("*", item_type="Web Map", max_items = 300, outside_org=False)
print('%s webmaps found in portal' % len(webmaps_list))
id_of_interest = layer_item.id
out_webmaps = []
lyr = None
for wm in webmaps_list:
raw_data = wm.get_data()
lyrs = raw_data['operationalLayers']
for lyr in lyrs:
if 'itemId' in lyr.keys() and lyr['itemId'] == id_of_interest:
print("\t %s contains layer of interest as %s" % ( wm.title, lyr['title']))
return out_webmaps
id_of_interest = 'bd9902d1c85c4bfab5636af782a89219'
item_of_Interest = g.content.get(id_of_interest)
webmaps = Find_WMs_using_layer(item_of_Interest, webmaps_list=[])
Returns 44 webmaps that contain a layer using the item ID provided.
The same behavior is displayed for the dependent_upon() method.
Does anyone know a way to alter the 10 item max?
Are there any other methods that display this behavior we can compile a list of tools?
Thank you!
Hi! I ran into the same problem. I needed to reliably get a list of *all* dependencies of an item, not just maximum 10. I was very surprised also, that the Docs does not mention this. The returned structure of Item.dependent_to() does hint or somehow suggest, that it must be called repeatedly to build up the full results. My workaround was to use the Item.dependencies property:
deps = dict(self.item.dependencies.properties)['items']
deps = [d['id'] for d in deps if 'id' in d.keys()]
deps = [webgis.content.get(id) for id in deps]
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