I am making a notebook that will archive data by appending data into an existing feature layer. I have the data download as a geodatabase on ArcGIS Online and then append in. It has worked for me in the past, but today it's giving me a real hard time. Odd part is, It will run if there is no data in the existing target feature layer, but if there is data in the feature layer, then I get the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. Code below, any help would be great, thanks!
exportCounty= counties.export(counties.title, "File Geodatabase")
countyLog=gis.content.search('title:County_Log', item_type='Feature Layer')[0]
Solved! Go to Solution.
Okay for those who stumble across this and want an answer, I figured it out (with Esri help). There is a parameter in the append function called "Upsert". It is optional and defaults to "False"; this is what threw me off. If you do not include this, any feature that has the same geometry will fail to append. HOWEVER, if you add in "upsert=False" into the append, then it will stack the data if the target and source is the same fields (like I was trying to do). You will have to do some field matching coding if they are not the same. Upsert = True means you are overwriting/ updating existing data and you'll have to put in some other parameters.
countyLog=gis.content.search('title:County_Log', item_type='Feature Layer')[0]
is countyLog the layer? You seem to try to see what it is in the line below
did you try
CountyLog is the existing layer I am appending data into. I tried taking out the .layer but got an error "'Item' object has no attribute 'append'". This is in ArcGIS Online Notebooks in case that matters.
It seems CountyLog is an AGOL item rather than a FeatureLayer.
Try CountyLog.layers[0].append(...)
That's what I had originally and what is giving me the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" Error.
Okay for those who stumble across this and want an answer, I figured it out (with Esri help). There is a parameter in the append function called "Upsert". It is optional and defaults to "False"; this is what threw me off. If you do not include this, any feature that has the same geometry will fail to append. HOWEVER, if you add in "upsert=False" into the append, then it will stack the data if the target and source is the same fields (like I was trying to do). You will have to do some field matching coding if they are not the same. Upsert = True means you are overwriting/ updating existing data and you'll have to put in some other parameters.