Hi all,
I want to map a zip code territory alignment file using Python API, but I only have a csv file contains the zip code, and each zip code's corresponding territory information (i.e.ID and name). I tried to merge my csv file with US Census ZCTA, but they do not match perfectly. I found the two following feature layers organized by ESRI that match with my data:
1. https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=8d2012a2016e484dafaac0451f9aea24
2. https://vimruaypc4n3jjjt.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=a1569e93ecd2408d89f42e8770a90f76
How can I append my territory information to these feature layers, so that I can show each zip code's territory information on my map?
I know that these public feature layers are not available for edited, but I tried to save the feature layer to my content, and I still couldn't append the data.
If I am not able to map territory information in this way due to the limited permission, is there any other way to achieve it?