I would like to add a WebTiledLayer via the ArcGIS Python API similar to addItem in the REST API.
My understanding is that I would use `gis.content.add` as shown blelow:
import arcgis
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.mapping import WebMap
gis = GIS ('https://www.arcgis.com', 'username', password')
layer = ({'operationalLayers': [
{'title' : 'TITLE-HERE',
'type' : 'WebTiledLayer'
'templateUrl': 'URL-HERE',
'id': 'ID-HERE',
'copyright': 'COPYRIGHT-HERE'
'fullExtent': {
'spatialReference': {
'wkid': ...
'visibility': 'true',
'opacity': 1,
'layerType' : 'WebTiledLayer',
item_properties = { 'title': 'TITLE-HERE',
'type': 'Map Service',
'snippet', 'SOMETHING-HERE'
'tags': 'tiles-testing'
'text': json.dumps(layer)
test_item = gis.content.add(item_properties=item_properties)
When I try to use the link created, open it in Map Viewer and get a response of:
The layer, {TITLE FROM ITEM PROPERTIES}, cannot be added to the map.
Any help is appreciated. If there is a notebook or other python snippet you can provide that would be ideal. Documentation lacks clear examples of how to implement the addItem cousin in ArcGIS Python API.
Hi Trevor,
Do you have this working with addItem? I ask because I'm not certain that you can add a Web Tiled Layer as an Item - that seems to be one of the types that you can only add when you're in the Map Viewer. I don't see anywhere that you can set the required x, y, z values when adding as an item.
In that case, you may have to settle for adding the Web Tiled Layer to a Web Map like so:
from arcgis.gis import GIS
gis = GIS("https://www.arcgis.com","user","pass")
# This is the JSON used to create the Web Map, which includes a default basemap and a sample Web Tiled Layer
"copyright":"Maps © <a href='https://www.thunderforest.com'>Thunderforest<\/a>, Data © <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright'>OpenStreetMap contributors<\/a>",
# Fill this out as you see fit, the key part is the "text" attribute
item_properties_dict = {"type": "Web Map","title": "Test Map","tags": ["WebTiledLaye","pythonapi"],"snippet":"", "text":data}
newmap = gis.content.add(item_properties = item_properties_dict)
Thanks Earl, very helpful... The issue I am running into now is when I try and `arcgis.gis.content.add` multiple XYZ `templateUrl` dictionaries. I have the output webmap I can share with you that has odd behavior the the multiple layers that hvae been added. I must click ALL the layers on or off to render or remove... and when I do that it only renders or removes and single XYZ tile from the webmap iteslf. For example:
Here is the cURL command from the browser, when I tried doing in AGOL only. It is using the `/update` endpoint in REST API but I cannot find the equivalent in ArcGIS Python API. cURL below:
Hi Trevor,
Try approaching it this way:
The result will be the JSON you need to be using for the Item Properties text value.
I was hardcoding the `id` in each `templateUrl`...
Fixed that. Thanks for the help thus far!
Last question of the day is how would I set the extent of the WebMap itself, not the layers... I have tried adding "extent"
item_properties_dict = {"type": "Web Map","title": now ,"tags": ["WebTiledLayer","pythonapi"],"snippet":"", "text":data, "extent": [leftcoord, bottomcoord, rightcoord, topcoord]}
I see "extent" as a Key:Value Dictionary Options for Argument item_properties
I tried reversing engineer like we did above with a map where I zoom to my preferred extent, saved it and that's where the map loads up. I noticed when I did this that the maps .../<itemID>/data did not have the Web Map extent set in the output at https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/content/items/<itemID>/data
Thank you again!
Happy to help Trevor. You do that like this:
def search_item(item_name):
search_results = portal.content.search(item_name, item_type="Web Map")
item = search_results[0]
return item.id
search = search_item('Name of Web Map')
item = portal.content.get(search)
# Print the current extent
# Update the extent
new_extent = [[-124.35, 32.54], [-114.31, 41.95]]
# Confirm extent update
Earl Medina or Trevor McDonald
I have the WMTS layer rendering fine in the beta Map Viewer but when I zoom in and back out its seems like it stops rendering the tiles that it had previously been rendering.
"id":"WebTiled_54", "title":"TestWebTiled",
"tileInfo": {},
"wmtsInfo": {
"url": f'{lyr.dataSource}',
"layerIdentifier": "Combined scene layer",
"tileMatrixSet": "GoogleMapsCompatible23"
"baseMap":{"baseMapLayers":[{"id":"defaultBasemap", "layerType":"ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer","url":"https://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer", "visibility":True,"opacity":1,"title":"Topographic"}],"title":"Topographic"},"spatialReference":{"wkid":102100,"latestWkid":3857}, "authoringApp":"WebMapViewer","authoringAppVersion":"4.3","version":"2.1"}
Any thoughts on this based on the text parameters?