I have a follow up question in respect to adding feature layers to a web map (I can do this now). I also have a related table to a feature layer in a feature collection. I can identify that table through a search, but there seems to be no way to get the itemid of that table (to create an item, in order to add it to the web map) and also, a web map only has "add_layer" functionality, nothing like "add_table" or similar. Is it possible to add a related table from a FeatureCollection to a web map?
My code is this:
I created a web map object I can use to add layers (and hopefully add a related table) - defined earlier in the code named "web_map_obj"
Then I search for the layers and tables to add:
to_be_updated_search = gis.content.search('<my search string>', 'Feature Layer')
(I can also use 'Feature Layer Collection' for the above qualifier, both work.)
for search_layer in to_be_updated_search:
if '<my specific feature collection search string>' in search_layer['title']:
to_be_updated_item = gis.content.get(search_layer.itemid)
to_be_updated_flc = FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(to_be_updated_item)
# Here I get the table(s) from the feature collection
to_be_updated_table = to_be_updated_flc.tables
# For the table, I cannot seem to find the itemid to create an item, I could only find serviceItemId
print (to_be_updated_table[0].properties['serviceItemId'])
add_table = (to_be_updated_table[0].properties['serviceItemId']) -- try to create a table item, this could be wrong
# The web map object does not seem to have a function to add a table, I used "get" but that does not do anything
Any ideas?