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Javascript not accessing the view?

09-08-2020 11:38 AM
New Contributor

My app uses simple javascript to control basic map location, zoom, etc. This works fine with several map service providers but I'm having trouble with ArcGIS.  It seems I can't access the view.  I'm wondering if the 'require' is somehow involved or if it's some other a basic error. The code is loaded in a browser control but is unresponsive.  Simply double clicking the html file displays the starting map as expected.

   <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <script src=""></script>


        require(["esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView"], function (Map, MapView) {

            var zoomlevel = 14;
            var ready = false;

            var map = new Map({
                basemap: "topo"

            var view = new MapView({
                container: "viewDiv", // Reference to the view div created below
                map: map, // Reference to the map object created before the view
                zoom: 14, // Sets zoom level based on level of detail
                center: [-78.25, 37.375], // Sets center point of view using longitude,latitude
                ui: { components: ["attribution"] } // exclude zoom widget from default ui

            view.when(function () {
                // All the resources in the MapView and the map have loaded. Now execute additional processes
                ready = true;
            }, function (error) {
                // Error handling

// Unresponsive methods

            function IsReady() {
                return ready;

            function Up(ctrlkey) {
                if (zoomlevel > 9) zoomlevel = zoomlevel - 1; /* 9 to 18 */
                if (ctrlkey) {
                    if (zoomlevel > 9) zoomlevel = zoomlevel - 1;
                view.zoom = zoomlevel;

// Down

            function GetRight() {

                return view.extent.xmax;

//Left, etc.

            function SnapTo(lat, lon) {

       = [lon, lat];


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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus


   I see nothing wrong in the code portion you have provided. Can you provide a more complete sample the demonstrates your issue?

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