changing default instruction text in directions widget

06-06-2015 04:53 AM
New Contributor II

How can I you change the text of  direction instructions (turn by turn)  in Directions widget in ArcGIS Api for JavaScript. For example I want to change the "Start at" to "begging from" or some text in other language like Arabic "تبدأ في"  or some other language that not exist in the default list of Localization language like "Pashto"  or "Persian" (شروع کن).

When I change the localization to Arabic The widget parameter change but the direction instructions do not change.


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Esri Frequent Contributor


Set the routeParams directionsLanguage option in order to display the output directions in a particular language. Here's a code snippet that shows this:

        var directions = new Directions({
          map: map,
          routeParams: {
            directionsLanguage: "ar"
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