Query task with geometry..?

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08-21-2018 10:31 AM
Occasional Contributor

Is it possible to perform qeury task using geometries...? Wanna get results using square area or circle area on map..?


0 Kudos
1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
MVP Emeritus


   You were not far from the answer you just were not doing anything with the drawn geometry.


        Map, MapView, Home, Legend, Search, GraphicsLayer, Graphic, SketchViewModel, QueryTask, Query, arrayUtils, dom, on,
        OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider, Memory, StoreAdapter, Selection, declare, domClass
      ) {
        let map, view, grid, editGraphic;

                    const tempGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();

        let RUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/Prominent_Peaks_US/FeatureServer/0";
        let FUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/ArcGIS/rest/services/2015_06_26_active_fires_USA_contiguous_and_Hawaii_24h/FeatureServer/0";

        let gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
          "ELEV_ft", "ELEV_m", "PROMINENCE_ft", "PROMINENCE_m"

        // create a new datastore for the on demandgrid
        // will be used to display attributes of selected features
        let dataStore = new StoreAdapter({
          objectStore: new Memory({
            idProperty: "__OBJECTID"

        const gridDis = document.getElementById("gridDisplay");

        // Define the popup content for each result
        const popupTemplate = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
          title: "{MTN_PEAK}, {STATE}",
          fieldInfos: [{
            fieldName: "ELEV_ft",
            label: "Elevation (feet)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "ELEV_m",
            label: "Elevation (meters)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "PROMINENCE_ft",
            label: "Prominence (feet)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "PROMINENCE_m",
            label: "Prominence (meters)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "ISOLATION_mi",
            label: "Isolation (miles)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "ISOLATION_km",
            label: "Isolation (km)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          content: "<b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_prominence'>Prominence:</a>" +
            "</b> {PROMINENCE_ft} ft ({PROMINENCE_m} m)" +
            "<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
            "<br><b>Elevation:</b> {ELEV_ft} ft ({ELEV_m} m)" +
            "<br><b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_isolation'>Isolation:</a>" +
            "</b> {ISOLATION_mi} mi ({ISOLATION_km} km)"

        // Define the popup content for each result
        const popupTemplate2 = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
          title: "{TRACK}",
          fieldInfos: [{
            fieldName: "TRACK",
            label: "Track"
          }, {
            fieldName: "BRIGHT_T31",
            label: "Brightness",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "CONFIDENCE",
            label: "Confidence"
          }, {
            fieldName: "SCAN",
            label: "Scan",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          content: "Brightness: {BRIGHT_T31}" +
            "<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
            "<br><b>Confidence:</b> {CONFIDENCE}" +
            "<br><b>Scan: {SCAN}"

        let resultsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
        let resultsLayer2 = new GraphicsLayer();

        let qTask = new QueryTask({
          url: RUrl
        let qTask2 = new QueryTask({
          url: FUrl

        let params = new Query({
          returnGeometry: true

        map = new Map({
          basemap: "streets",
          layers: [resultsLayer, resultsLayer2, tempGraphicsLayer]

        view = new MapView({
          map: map,
          container: "viewDiv",
          zoom: 3,
          popup: {
            dockEnabled: true,
            dockOptions: {
              position: "top-right",
              breakpoint: false

        function createGrid(fields) {
          var columns = fields.filter(function(field, i) {
            if (gridFields.indexOf(field.name) !== -1) {
              return field;
          }).map(function(field) {
            if (field.name === "__OBJECTID") {
              return {
                field: field.name,
                label: field.name,
                sortable: true,
                hidden: true
            } else {
              return {
                field: field.name,
                label: field.alias,
                sortable: true

          // create a new onDemandGrid with its selection and columnhider
          // extensions. Set the columns of the grid to display attributes
          // the hurricanes cvslayer
          grid = new(declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, ColumnHider]))({
            columns: columns
          }, "grid");

          // add a row-click listener on the grid. This will be used
          // to highlight the corresponding feature on the view
          grid.on("dgrid-select", selectFeatureFromGrid);

        function selectFeatureFromGrid(event) {


        view.when(function() {
          view.ui.add("optionsDiv", "bottom-right");
          on(dom.byId("doBtn"), "click", doQuery);
          on(dom.byId("clrBtn"), "click", doClear);
          //Query to get unique vals
          let opt_ = document.createElement('option');
          opt_.value = "";
          opt_.innerHTML = "select State";
          let opt__ = document.createElement('option');
          opt__.value = "";
          opt__.innerHTML = "select Peak";
          let qUVState = new Query({
            returnGeometry: false,
            where: '1=1',
            returnDistinctValues: true,
            outFields: ['STATE'],
            orderByFields: ['STATE ASC']
          qTask.execute(qUVState).then(function(results) {
            results.features.map(function(feat) {
              let opt = document.createElement('option');
              opt.value = feat.attributes.STATE;
              opt.innerHTML = feat.attributes.STATE;
          let qUVPeak = new Query({
            returnGeometry: false,
            where: '1=1',
            returnDistinctValues: true,
            outFields: ['MTN_PEAK'],
            orderByFields: ['MTN_PEAK ASC']
          qTask.execute(qUVPeak).then(function(results) {
            results.features.map(function(feat) {
              let opt2 = document.createElement('option');
              opt2.value = feat.attributes.MTN_PEAK;
              opt2.innerHTML = feat.attributes.MTN_PEAK;

        const attributeName = dom.byId("attSelect");
        const expressionSign = dom.byId("signSelect");
        const value = dom.byId("valSelect");
        const wlayer = dom.byId("lyrSelect");
        const statedd = dom.byId("stateSelect");
        const peakdd = dom.byId("peakSelect");

        function doClear() {
          if (grid) {
            dataStore.objectStore.data = {};
            grid.set("collection", dataStore);
          gridDis.style.display = 'none';
          domClass.remove("viewDiv", 'withGrid');

        function doQuery() {
          // Clear the results from a previous query
          let whereC = [];
          if(statedd.value !== ''){
            whereC.push("STATE = '" + statedd.value + "'");
          if (peakdd.value !== ''){
            whereC.push("MTN_PEAK = '" + peakdd.value + "'");
          whereC.push(attributeName.value + expressionSign.value + value.value);
          params.where = whereC.join(' AND ');

          if (wlayer.value === 'peaks') {
               if(tempGraphicsLayer.graphics.length >0){
                 params.geometry = tempGraphicsLayer.graphics.getItemAt(0).geometry;
            params.outFields = ["RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
              "ELEV_ft", "ELEV_m", "PROMINENCE_ft", "PROMINENCE_m"
            gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
              "ELEV_ft", "ELEV_m", "PROMINENCE_ft", "PROMINENCE_m"
          } else if (wlayer.value === 'fires') {
            params.outFields = ["BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
            gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
            params.where = 'BRIGHTNESS > 320';

        function getResults(response) {
          let graphics = response.features;

          if (graphics.length > 0) {
            gridDis.style.display = 'block';
            domClass.add("viewDiv", 'withGrid');
            document.getElementById("featureCount").innerHTML =
              "<b>Showing attributes for " +
              graphics.length.toString() + " features </b>"
          } else {
            gridDis.style.display = 'none';

          // get the attributes to display in the grid
          var data = graphics.map(function(feature, i) {
            return Object.keys(feature.attributes)
              .filter(function(key) {
                // get fields that exist in the grid
                return (gridFields.indexOf(key) !== -1);
              // need to create key value pairs from the feature
              // attributes so that info can be displayed in the grid
              .reduce((obj, key) => {
                obj[key] = feature.attributes[key];
                return obj;
              }, {});

          // set the datastore for the grid using the
          // attributes we got for the query results
          dataStore.objectStore.data = data;
          grid.set("collection", dataStore);

          var RResults = arrayUtils.map(response.features, function(
            feature) {
            feature.symbol = {
              type: "simple-marker",
              color: "red",
              size: 5,
              outline: {
                color: "black"
            if (wlayer.value === 'peaks') {
              feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate;
            } else if (wlayer.value === 'fires') {
              feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate2;
            return feature;
          if (wlayer.value === 'peaks') {
          } else if (wlayer.value === 'fires') {


        function promiseRejected(error) {
          console.error("Promise rejected: ", error.message);

        var homeBtn = new Home({
          view: view
        }, "homeDiv");

        var legend = new Legend({
          view: view,
          layerInfos: [{
            url: RUrl
        view.ui.add(legend, "bottom-left");

        var searchWidget = new Search({
          view: view
        view.ui.add(searchWidget, {
          position: "top-right"
       view.when(function() {
        // create a new sketch view model
        const sketchViewModel = new SketchViewModel({
          view: view,
          layer: tempGraphicsLayer,
          pointSymbol: {
            type: "simple-marker", // autocasts as new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
            style: "square",
            color: "#8A2BE2",
            size: "16px",
            outline: { // autocasts as new SimpleLineSymbol()
              color: [255, 255, 255],
              width: 3
          polylineSymbol: {
            type: "simple-line", // autocasts as new SimpleLineSymbol()
            color: "#8A2BE2",
            width: "4",
            style: "dash"
          polygonSymbol: {
            type: "simple-fill", // autocasts as new SimpleFillSymbol()
            color: "rgba(138,43,226, 0.8)",
            style: "solid",
            outline: {
              color: "white",
              width: 1


        // Listen to create-complete event to add a newly created graphic to view
        sketchViewModel.on("create-complete", addGraphic);

        // Listen the sketchViewModel's update-complete and update-cancel events
        sketchViewModel.on("update-complete", updateGraphic);
        sketchViewModel.on("update-cancel", updateGraphic);

        // called when sketchViewModel's create-complete event is fired.
        function addGraphic(event) {
          // Create a new graphic and set its geometry to
          // `create-complete` event geometry.
          const graphic = new Graphic({
            geometry: event.geometry,
            symbol: sketchViewModel.graphic.symbol

        // called when sketchViewModel's update-complete or update-cancel
        // events are fired.
        function updateGraphic(event) {
          // event.graphic is the graphic that user clicked on and its geometry
          // has not been changed. Update its geometry and add it to the layer
          event.graphic.geometry = event.geometry;

          // set the editGraphic to null update is complete or cancelled.
          editGraphic = null;

        // ************************************************************************************
        // set up logic to handle geometry update and reflect the update on "tempGraphicsLayer"
        // ************************************************************************************
        function setUpClickHandler() {
          view.on("click", function(event) {
            view.hitTest(event).then(function(response) {
              var results = response.results;
              // Found a valid graphic
              if (results.length && results[results.length - 1]
                .graphic) {
                // Check if we're already editing a graphic
                if (!editGraphic) {
                  // Save a reference to the graphic we intend to update
                  editGraphic = results[results.length - 1].graphic;
                  // Remove the graphic from the GraphicsLayer
                  // Sketch will handle displaying the graphic while being updated

        // activate the sketch to create a point
        var drawPointButton = document.getElementById("pointButton");
        drawPointButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a point geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a polyline
        var drawLineButton = document.getElementById("polylineButton");
        drawLineButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polyline geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a polygon
        var drawPolygonButton = document.getElementById("polygonButton");
        drawPolygonButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polygon geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a rectangle
        var drawRectangleButton = document.getElementById(
        drawRectangleButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polygon geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a circle
        var drawCircleButton = document.getElementById("circleButton");
        drawCircleButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polygon geometry

        // reset button
        document.getElementById("resetBtn").onclick = function() {

        function setActiveButton(selectedButton) {
          // focus the view to activate keyboard shortcuts for sketching
          var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("active");
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
          if (selectedButton) {

View solution in original post

9 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   Sure here is a sample that queries based on the view extent.


Occasional Contributor

Above sample also helpful. But am looking for user defined geometry query task (spatial filter).. So he can draw a geometry(extent, circle, freehand polygon ) along with query task.. So the result combined both ones.. 



0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


   For something like that you would have to combine this sample with what you have:


Occasional Contributor

Thank you for the link Robert.. I'll try to combine it along with the query task.. 

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Hi Robert, I tried to add this spatial filter into existing query but cant able to use it with queries. can you help me out..only able to use as a sketch tool to draw these geometries..

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

Post what have tried and I will point out issues.

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


   You were not far from the answer you just were not doing anything with the drawn geometry.


        Map, MapView, Home, Legend, Search, GraphicsLayer, Graphic, SketchViewModel, QueryTask, Query, arrayUtils, dom, on,
        OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider, Memory, StoreAdapter, Selection, declare, domClass
      ) {
        let map, view, grid, editGraphic;

                    const tempGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();

        let RUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/Prominent_Peaks_US/FeatureServer/0";
        let FUrl = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/ArcGIS/rest/services/2015_06_26_active_fires_USA_contiguous_and_Hawaii_24h/FeatureServer/0";

        let gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
          "ELEV_ft", "ELEV_m", "PROMINENCE_ft", "PROMINENCE_m"

        // create a new datastore for the on demandgrid
        // will be used to display attributes of selected features
        let dataStore = new StoreAdapter({
          objectStore: new Memory({
            idProperty: "__OBJECTID"

        const gridDis = document.getElementById("gridDisplay");

        // Define the popup content for each result
        const popupTemplate = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
          title: "{MTN_PEAK}, {STATE}",
          fieldInfos: [{
            fieldName: "ELEV_ft",
            label: "Elevation (feet)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "ELEV_m",
            label: "Elevation (meters)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "PROMINENCE_ft",
            label: "Prominence (feet)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "PROMINENCE_m",
            label: "Prominence (meters)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "ISOLATION_mi",
            label: "Isolation (miles)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "ISOLATION_km",
            label: "Isolation (km)",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          content: "<b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_prominence'>Prominence:</a>" +
            "</b> {PROMINENCE_ft} ft ({PROMINENCE_m} m)" +
            "<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
            "<br><b>Elevation:</b> {ELEV_ft} ft ({ELEV_m} m)" +
            "<br><b><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_isolation'>Isolation:</a>" +
            "</b> {ISOLATION_mi} mi ({ISOLATION_km} km)"

        // Define the popup content for each result
        const popupTemplate2 = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
          title: "{TRACK}",
          fieldInfos: [{
            fieldName: "TRACK",
            label: "Track"
          }, {
            fieldName: "BRIGHT_T31",
            label: "Brightness",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "CONFIDENCE",
            label: "Confidence"
          }, {
            fieldName: "SCAN",
            label: "Scan",
            format: {
              places: 0,
              digitSeperator: true
          content: "Brightness: {BRIGHT_T31}" +
            "<br><b>Prominence Rank:</b> {RANK}" +
            "<br><b>Confidence:</b> {CONFIDENCE}" +
            "<br><b>Scan: {SCAN}"

        let resultsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
        let resultsLayer2 = new GraphicsLayer();

        let qTask = new QueryTask({
          url: RUrl
        let qTask2 = new QueryTask({
          url: FUrl

        let params = new Query({
          returnGeometry: true

        map = new Map({
          basemap: "streets",
          layers: [resultsLayer, resultsLayer2, tempGraphicsLayer]

        view = new MapView({
          map: map,
          container: "viewDiv",
          zoom: 3,
          popup: {
            dockEnabled: true,
            dockOptions: {
              position: "top-right",
              breakpoint: false

        function createGrid(fields) {
          var columns = fields.filter(function(field, i) {
            if (gridFields.indexOf(field.name) !== -1) {
              return field;
          }).map(function(field) {
            if (field.name === "__OBJECTID") {
              return {
                field: field.name,
                label: field.name,
                sortable: true,
                hidden: true
            } else {
              return {
                field: field.name,
                label: field.alias,
                sortable: true

          // create a new onDemandGrid with its selection and columnhider
          // extensions. Set the columns of the grid to display attributes
          // the hurricanes cvslayer
          grid = new(declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, ColumnHider]))({
            columns: columns
          }, "grid");

          // add a row-click listener on the grid. This will be used
          // to highlight the corresponding feature on the view
          grid.on("dgrid-select", selectFeatureFromGrid);

        function selectFeatureFromGrid(event) {


        view.when(function() {
          view.ui.add("optionsDiv", "bottom-right");
          on(dom.byId("doBtn"), "click", doQuery);
          on(dom.byId("clrBtn"), "click", doClear);
          //Query to get unique vals
          let opt_ = document.createElement('option');
          opt_.value = "";
          opt_.innerHTML = "select State";
          let opt__ = document.createElement('option');
          opt__.value = "";
          opt__.innerHTML = "select Peak";
          let qUVState = new Query({
            returnGeometry: false,
            where: '1=1',
            returnDistinctValues: true,
            outFields: ['STATE'],
            orderByFields: ['STATE ASC']
          qTask.execute(qUVState).then(function(results) {
            results.features.map(function(feat) {
              let opt = document.createElement('option');
              opt.value = feat.attributes.STATE;
              opt.innerHTML = feat.attributes.STATE;
          let qUVPeak = new Query({
            returnGeometry: false,
            where: '1=1',
            returnDistinctValues: true,
            outFields: ['MTN_PEAK'],
            orderByFields: ['MTN_PEAK ASC']
          qTask.execute(qUVPeak).then(function(results) {
            results.features.map(function(feat) {
              let opt2 = document.createElement('option');
              opt2.value = feat.attributes.MTN_PEAK;
              opt2.innerHTML = feat.attributes.MTN_PEAK;

        const attributeName = dom.byId("attSelect");
        const expressionSign = dom.byId("signSelect");
        const value = dom.byId("valSelect");
        const wlayer = dom.byId("lyrSelect");
        const statedd = dom.byId("stateSelect");
        const peakdd = dom.byId("peakSelect");

        function doClear() {
          if (grid) {
            dataStore.objectStore.data = {};
            grid.set("collection", dataStore);
          gridDis.style.display = 'none';
          domClass.remove("viewDiv", 'withGrid');

        function doQuery() {
          // Clear the results from a previous query
          let whereC = [];
          if(statedd.value !== ''){
            whereC.push("STATE = '" + statedd.value + "'");
          if (peakdd.value !== ''){
            whereC.push("MTN_PEAK = '" + peakdd.value + "'");
          whereC.push(attributeName.value + expressionSign.value + value.value);
          params.where = whereC.join(' AND ');

          if (wlayer.value === 'peaks') {
               if(tempGraphicsLayer.graphics.length >0){
                 params.geometry = tempGraphicsLayer.graphics.getItemAt(0).geometry;
            params.outFields = ["RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
              "ELEV_ft", "ELEV_m", "PROMINENCE_ft", "PROMINENCE_m"
            gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "RANK", "MTN_PEAK", "STATE",
              "ELEV_ft", "ELEV_m", "PROMINENCE_ft", "PROMINENCE_m"
          } else if (wlayer.value === 'fires') {
            params.outFields = ["BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
            gridFields = ["__OBJECTID", "BRIGHTNESS", "SCAN", "TRACK",
            params.where = 'BRIGHTNESS > 320';

        function getResults(response) {
          let graphics = response.features;

          if (graphics.length > 0) {
            gridDis.style.display = 'block';
            domClass.add("viewDiv", 'withGrid');
            document.getElementById("featureCount").innerHTML =
              "<b>Showing attributes for " +
              graphics.length.toString() + " features </b>"
          } else {
            gridDis.style.display = 'none';

          // get the attributes to display in the grid
          var data = graphics.map(function(feature, i) {
            return Object.keys(feature.attributes)
              .filter(function(key) {
                // get fields that exist in the grid
                return (gridFields.indexOf(key) !== -1);
              // need to create key value pairs from the feature
              // attributes so that info can be displayed in the grid
              .reduce((obj, key) => {
                obj[key] = feature.attributes[key];
                return obj;
              }, {});

          // set the datastore for the grid using the
          // attributes we got for the query results
          dataStore.objectStore.data = data;
          grid.set("collection", dataStore);

          var RResults = arrayUtils.map(response.features, function(
            feature) {
            feature.symbol = {
              type: "simple-marker",
              color: "red",
              size: 5,
              outline: {
                color: "black"
            if (wlayer.value === 'peaks') {
              feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate;
            } else if (wlayer.value === 'fires') {
              feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate2;
            return feature;
          if (wlayer.value === 'peaks') {
          } else if (wlayer.value === 'fires') {


        function promiseRejected(error) {
          console.error("Promise rejected: ", error.message);

        var homeBtn = new Home({
          view: view
        }, "homeDiv");

        var legend = new Legend({
          view: view,
          layerInfos: [{
            url: RUrl
        view.ui.add(legend, "bottom-left");

        var searchWidget = new Search({
          view: view
        view.ui.add(searchWidget, {
          position: "top-right"
       view.when(function() {
        // create a new sketch view model
        const sketchViewModel = new SketchViewModel({
          view: view,
          layer: tempGraphicsLayer,
          pointSymbol: {
            type: "simple-marker", // autocasts as new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
            style: "square",
            color: "#8A2BE2",
            size: "16px",
            outline: { // autocasts as new SimpleLineSymbol()
              color: [255, 255, 255],
              width: 3
          polylineSymbol: {
            type: "simple-line", // autocasts as new SimpleLineSymbol()
            color: "#8A2BE2",
            width: "4",
            style: "dash"
          polygonSymbol: {
            type: "simple-fill", // autocasts as new SimpleFillSymbol()
            color: "rgba(138,43,226, 0.8)",
            style: "solid",
            outline: {
              color: "white",
              width: 1


        // Listen to create-complete event to add a newly created graphic to view
        sketchViewModel.on("create-complete", addGraphic);

        // Listen the sketchViewModel's update-complete and update-cancel events
        sketchViewModel.on("update-complete", updateGraphic);
        sketchViewModel.on("update-cancel", updateGraphic);

        // called when sketchViewModel's create-complete event is fired.
        function addGraphic(event) {
          // Create a new graphic and set its geometry to
          // `create-complete` event geometry.
          const graphic = new Graphic({
            geometry: event.geometry,
            symbol: sketchViewModel.graphic.symbol

        // called when sketchViewModel's update-complete or update-cancel
        // events are fired.
        function updateGraphic(event) {
          // event.graphic is the graphic that user clicked on and its geometry
          // has not been changed. Update its geometry and add it to the layer
          event.graphic.geometry = event.geometry;

          // set the editGraphic to null update is complete or cancelled.
          editGraphic = null;

        // ************************************************************************************
        // set up logic to handle geometry update and reflect the update on "tempGraphicsLayer"
        // ************************************************************************************
        function setUpClickHandler() {
          view.on("click", function(event) {
            view.hitTest(event).then(function(response) {
              var results = response.results;
              // Found a valid graphic
              if (results.length && results[results.length - 1]
                .graphic) {
                // Check if we're already editing a graphic
                if (!editGraphic) {
                  // Save a reference to the graphic we intend to update
                  editGraphic = results[results.length - 1].graphic;
                  // Remove the graphic from the GraphicsLayer
                  // Sketch will handle displaying the graphic while being updated

        // activate the sketch to create a point
        var drawPointButton = document.getElementById("pointButton");
        drawPointButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a point geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a polyline
        var drawLineButton = document.getElementById("polylineButton");
        drawLineButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polyline geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a polygon
        var drawPolygonButton = document.getElementById("polygonButton");
        drawPolygonButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polygon geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a rectangle
        var drawRectangleButton = document.getElementById(
        drawRectangleButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polygon geometry

        // activate the sketch to create a circle
        var drawCircleButton = document.getElementById("circleButton");
        drawCircleButton.onclick = function() {
          // set the sketch to create a polygon geometry

        // reset button
        document.getElementById("resetBtn").onclick = function() {

        function setActiveButton(selectedButton) {
          // focus the view to activate keyboard shortcuts for sketching
          var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("active");
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
          if (selectedButton) {
Occasional Contributor

Its perfectly working. Let me check again how it works. I tried to do it with using 

spatialRelationship: "esriSpatialRelIntersects",
outFields: ["*"]

but it was difficult for me to use both(queries and spatial filter) with each other..

Appreciate your help Robert. Thanks a lot..

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