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Questions regarding a flexviewer website

04-02-2010 03:05 AM
Emerging Contributor
Dear All,

I request you to go through the following website:-

I have some questions regarding some of the functionalities developed in this website.

1) From top towards right third tool, fifth tool option Magnify, a magnifier tool open in this tool by using the slider below the magnifier tool I can zoomin and zoomout on the layer. How can I do this? and how to put + and - images on the slider bar inside the Magnify tool as well as outside (on the top left), [[ According to my understanding they are using slider control inside the magnifier window, on moving the slider bar they are comparring the slider.value with previous slider.value and changing the map.level property based on slider value. I am trying to do this but it is not working can you guys tell me about this, according to me the best solution would be to place the slider which comes automatically when we use tiled service, inside the magnifier. But how to do this?

2) In BookMark functionality they are saving the bookmark inside the cookies or in the browser memory, how they are doing this?

3) How the tool tip is coming in a flashing manner.

4) Can you please provide me an example similar to print preview as shown in this site.

5) A sample example with code for overlay of JPEG & GIF at a particular location.

6) A sample example with code for Uploading the pictures and documents through info window.

7) A sample example with code for Generate report and save report in csv and pdf format

😎 Query geospatial and non-geospatial attributes on for multiple layers. A functionality similar in ArcMap where user wants to see those selected features which are intersecting with features in a particular layer.

9) Buffer and select by location, and select feature/features by drawing a rectangle on the map.

10) Adding a hyperlink inside info window.

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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor
2) In BookMark functionality they are saving the bookmark inside the cookies or in the browser memory, how they are doing this?


I was looking into this same issue as you.  It seems that there is a bug in the BookmarkWidget.mxml code.  Find the following function in this file

   private function updateBookmarkAC(bkAC:ArrayCollection):ArrayCollection
    var outBkAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    var ext:Extent;
    var bkObj:Object;
    for each(var bk:Object in outBkAC)
     ext = updateExtent(bk.srs, new String(bk.xmin + " " + bk.ymin + " " + bk.xmax + " " + bk.ymax));

     bkObj = {
      recicon: bk.icon,
       srs : bk.srs,
       xmin: Number(ext.xmin).toFixed(4),
       ymin: Number(ext.ymin).toFixed(4),
       xmax: Number(ext.xmax).toFixed(4),
       ymax: Number(ext.ymax).toFixed(4)

    return outBkAC

There is a mistake in the for loop.  Just change the line to this

for each(var bk:Object in bkAC)

and you'll be away.  As long as the client machine allows it, bookmarks should be persisted across sessions
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Emerging Contributor
3) The tool/info glow code is in InfoPopup.mxml

<mx:SWFLoader id="infoGlow" x="0" y="0" width="80" height="80" source="com/esri/solutions/flexviewer/assets/flash/Red_glow.swf" visible="false"/>

Note: if you make the width and height zero it will stop glowing.

4) for print template see -->

😎 For querying you can use the defult SearchWidget in the Sample Flex Viewer or modify it to meet your requirements.

6/10) To display a image/hyperlink using SearchWidget/LiveLayerWidget info window, add the image-hyperlink/hyperlink to SearchWidget.xml/LiveLayerWidget.xml <linkfiled> tag. Ex:  <linkfield>hyperlink</linkfield>
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