2) In BookMark functionality they are saving the bookmark inside the cookies or in the browser memory, how they are doing this?
Hi,I was looking into this same issue as you. It seems that there is a bug in the BookmarkWidget.mxml code. Find the following function in this file private function updateBookmarkAC(bkAC:ArrayCollection):ArrayCollection
var outBkAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var ext:Extent;
var bkObj:Object;
for each(var bk:Object in outBkAC)
ext = updateExtent(bk.srs, new String(bk.xmin + " " + bk.ymin + " " + bk.xmax + " " + bk.ymax));
bkObj = {
recicon: bk.icon,
name: bk.name,
srs : bk.srs,
xmin: Number(ext.xmin).toFixed(4),
ymin: Number(ext.ymin).toFixed(4),
xmax: Number(ext.xmax).toFixed(4),
ymax: Number(ext.ymax).toFixed(4)
return outBkAC
There is a mistake in the for loop. Just change the line to thisfor each(var bk:Object in bkAC)
and you'll be away. As long as the client machine allows it, bookmarks should be persisted across sessions