Thanks, Mark!! I now have it working!
When I first started trying to figure this out using info gleaned from the forums, I kept getting errors at .addImage, not enough arguments or incorrect argument, or maybe something to do with the BitmapData. So, when I put the components you sent in the project, it happened again. Well, I noticed that the ArcGIS API for Flex library in your project was only at 1.3, so I thought maybe the AlivePDF.swc could be older, too (I had been trying to use the most recent). At any rate, I substituted the .swc that you sent in the project, and it all worked! Finally, I with it working, i as able to tweak the layouts to be letter size, and I am overjoyed to be done with this part of my app!
Maybe I'll figure out later how the AlivePDF library changed, but for now I'm satisfied with being done.
Thanks again, and I hope this helps some other PDF latecomers!