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How stop Focal Statistic Output (Raster) from growing?!

01-23-2014 04:41 AM
Emerging Contributor

we have problem with Focal Statistics. Our input raster (reclassified) after doing the Focal Statistics ( to count the mean of the neighborhooding cells) gives output but the output raster is too big! We estimated maybe 7000 meters parameter from the boundary

Here are the photos:
Before Focal and After Focal
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Justyna,

I suppose you used the Focal Statistics tool and switched the option "Ignore NoData" on, right? This is OK. What you need to realize though, is that pixels that have NoData value in your input raster, but have Data cells in their direct vicinity will receive a value too.

To set these pixels to NoData again, you can you the Con Tool (Spatial Analyst\Conditional\Con). Use your input raster (first image in your post) from the previous step as conditional raster, leave the expression blank, use the focal statistics raster as "true raster" and leave the "false raster" empty.

This will set the pixels outside the area to NoData.

Kind regards,

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: Jeffrey.Block


  I have a maddening issue with focal statistics as well.  I've had it integrated as part of a tool, and it's always run smoothly, but now it just freezes and when I cancel it, it returns the attached error messages.

At wit's end, and help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Jeffrey,

It's a little difficult to help you without knowing what data was used for the process and what you specified in the dialog. If it's possible to attach a part of you data, what you specified in the dialog and to indicate the version you are using, I can see if I can reproduce it. Otherwise contact Esri support.

Kind regards,

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